The claim that Hitler was Catholic is anti-Catholic bigotry. Virtually anyone born in Catholic regions of Germany would have been baptized, similarly in Lutheran regions - but this says nothing about their adult behavior or affiliation, unfortunately.
Many Americans don’t realize that Nazis also rounded up and sent to camps, and martyred, many Catholics, including priests and nuns.
St Maximillian Kolbe in fact was a priest martyred in Auschwitz, giving his life for another man sentenced to die, who had a family.
The claim that Hitler was Catholic is ani-Catholic bigotry. Virtually anyone born in Catholic regions of Germany would have been baptized, similarly in Lutheran regions - but this says nothing about their adult behavior or affiliation, unfortunately.
Many Americans don’t realize that Nazis also rounded up and sent to camps, and martyred, many Catholics, including priests and nuns.
St Maximillian Kolbe in fact was a priest martyred in Auschwitz, giving his life for another man sentenced to die, who had a family.
The claim that Hitler was Catholic is ani-Catholic bigotry. Virtually anyone born in Catholic regions of Germany would have been baptized, similarly in Lutheran regions - but this says nothing about their adult behavior or affiliation, unfortunately.
Many Americans don’t realize that Nazis also rounded up and sent to camps, and martyred, many Catholics, including priests and nuns.
St Maximillian Kolbe in fact was martyred in Auschwitz, giving his life for another man sentenced to die, who had a family.