After reading this, I am beginning to see a picture where we a fighting members of a very old and powerful Satanic cult that run very deep in all private and public institutions in our country. Just one of the manifestations of this cult is child sex abuse.
Satanism was a dominate theme in the above linked story, and it all points to the intel community.
I hate to be repetitive with the link but I am just astonished at how this tale helps see the present. The same players, the same play, all having some satanic connection it seems to me.
After reading this, I am beginning to see a picture where we a fighting members of a very old and powerful Satanic cult that run very deep in all private and public institutions in our country. Just one of the manifestations of this cult is child sex abuse.
Satanism was a dominate theme in the above linked story, and it all points to the intel community.