I understand the sentiment of your post, but 'taking what the doctor told me' almost KILLED me.
That doctor was 'involved in treating this stuff on a day to day' basis.... and again, he almost killed me.
I looked up the Infectious Disease Society of America guidelines...
First, I had to pass by their homepage (https://www.idsociety.org/)...
Banner pictures: Group of doctors in street clothes and Covid masks, the ultra-required diversity photo, and a couple happy to be taking a selfie in masks at a medical conference. Lower on their homepage one of their main articles is 'How Covid has affected the LGBTQIA+ Community". I could go on....
You want me to trust them not to have an agenda?
Oh, and their C.Diff protocol?
Most recommended: Fidaxomicin: Cost: $200 per pill - $5,000 to treat an infection
Second best: Vancomycin: Cost: $7 per pill - $300 to treat an infection
They also mention 'fecal transplantation'. Cost: Over $5,000 - plus Dignity
Lastly, they reluctantly acknowledge Flagyl (metronidazole), which is out-of-patent: Cost: PENNIES per pill - $3 to treat an infection
Pharma agenda much?
I understand the sentiment of your post, but 'taking what the doctor told me' almost KILLED me.
That doctor was 'involved in treating this stuff on a day to day' basis.... and again, he almost killed me.
I looked up the Infectious Disease Society of America guidelines...
First, I had to pass by their homepage (https://www.idsociety.org/)...
Banner pictures: Group of doctors in street clothes and Covid masks, the ultra-required diversity photo, and a couple happy to be taking a selfie in masks at a medical conference. Lower on their homepage one of their main articles is 'How Covid has affected the LGBTQIA+ Community". I could go on....
You want me to trust them not to have an agenda?
Oh, and their C.Diff protocol?
Most recommended: Fidaxomicin: Cost: $200 per pill - $5,000 to treat an infection
Second best: Vancomycin: Cost: $7 per pill - $300 to treat an infection
They also mention 'fecal transplantation'. Cost: Dignity
Lastly, they reluctantly acknowledge Flagyl (metronidazole), which is out-of-patent: Cost: Pennies per pill - $3 to treat an infection
Pharma agenda much?
I understand the sentiment of your post, but 'taking what the doctor told me' almost KILLED me.
That doctor was 'involved in treating this stuff on a day to day' basis.... and again, he almost killed me.
I looked up the Infectious Disease Society of America guidelines...
First, I had to pass by their homepage (https://www.idsociety.org/)...
Banner pictures: Group of doctors in street clothes and Covid masks, the ultra-required diversity photo, and a couple happy to be taking a selfie in masks at a medical conference. Lower on their homepage one of their main articles is 'How Covid has affected the LGBTQIA+ Community". I could go on....
You want me to trust them not to have an agenda?
Oh, and their C.Diff protocol?
Most recommended: Fidaxomicin: Cost: $200 per pill
Second best: Vancomycin: Cost: $7 per pill
They also mention 'fecal transplantation'. Cost: Dignity
Lastly, they reluctantly acknowledge Flagyl (metronidazole), which is out-of-patent: Cost: Pennies per pill
Pharma agenda much?
I understand the sentiment of your post, but 'taking what the doctor told me' almost KILLED me.
That doctor was 'involved in treating this stuff on a day to day' basis.... and again, he almost killed me.
I looked up the Infectious Disease Society of America guidelines...
First, I had to pass by their homepage... Groups of people in masks, and a couple happy to be taking a selfie in masks at a doctors conference. Lower on their homepage one of their main articles is 'How Covid has affected the LGBTQIA+ Community". I could go on.... You want me to trust them not to have an agenda?
Oh, and their C.Diff protocol?
Most recommended: Fidaxomicin: Cost: $200 per pill
Second best: Vancomycin: Cost: $7 per pill
They also mention 'fecal transplantation'. Cost: Dignity
Lastly, they reluctantly acknowledge Flagyl (metronidazole), which is out-of-patent: Cost: Pennies per pill
Pharma agenda much?