I have worries about this too. There is a difference between Justice and revenge but they can easily become entwined in the minds of the injured. With a people that have faced unending persecution by a fascist government, their corporate partners and even their neighbors are unleashed, the situation can quickly get out of control.
When the pendulum swings back it often swings back in proportion. The pendulum has swung very far to the left. Our response needs to ensure it doesnt swing equally far right and we find right wing death squads in our streets.
I have worries about this too. There is a difference between Justice and revenge but they can easily become entwined in the minds of the injured. With a people that have faced unending persecution by a fascist government, their corporate partners and even their neighbors are unleashed, the situation can quickly get out of control.
When the pendulum swings back it often swings back in proportion. The pendulum has swung very far to the left. Our response needs to be to ensure it doesnt swing equally far right and we find right wing death squads in our streets.
I have worries about this too. There is a difference between Justice and revenge but they can easily become entwined in the minds of the injured. With a people that have faced unending persecution by a fascist government, their corporate partners and even their neighbors are unleashed, the situation can quickly get out of control.
I have worries about this too. There is a difference between Justice and revenge. With a people that have faced unending persecution by a fascist government, their corporate partners and even their neighbors are unleashed, the situation can quickly get out of control.
I have worries about this to. There is a difference between Justice and revenge. With a people that have faced unending persecution by a fascist government, their corporate partners and even their neighbors are unleashed the situation can quickly get out of control.