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Reason: None provided.

I have done all the research in the past-- this comment is a combination of my own words, and two articles by other authors that have come up with the same details. What I remember is that Obum has used several ss numbers, which seemed to me was connected to using them to operate under the table and hide funds and transfers such as the property in Chicago. I found a record in Canada, but I dont remember which name it was or the time period but it was when he was young so maybe lived in Canada a bit or used that to get back into America- this Obum swamp creature thing has stretched out so long -- over 14 years.

I laughed when some people drooled over the pic of Marshall or Obama's maternal grandfather saying how very much Barry looked like one or the other -but he doesnt at all >>> put Barry and Subud muslim Bapak side by side or overlay and there is no mistaking it. She was there in the cult with Fuddy, and she wasnt just a lost little unwed mother-student. She was an operative with a degree in anthropology choosing to be in Indonesia and set up schools to teach children, very active in the Subud cause. He is not African-black he is Indonesian-Asian and white.

The book Obama and the Indonesian Murder Cult has a great deal of detail on what was occuring in Indonesia and globally back then. Killery was just an evil power hungry criminal and traitor but Barry had a global education Indonesia, Kenya, supposedly disappeared for a while and was somewhere in the Soviet Union for commie spy training, America, and a trip to Pakistan with his boyfriend [[?] all with unseen support from diff sources. Based on the purposeful obscurity of his background, hiding of records, glossing over and his manner of presenting himself as one thing but in reality being another and taking real actions to damage our country plus the facts I have been able to uncover--it is my assessment that his grandparents, mother and others in his life are-were CIA connected. They have played a big simplified story to the American people.

and ta-da from the book, the author comes to the same with regard to Barry's real Subud father and his mother's hidden activities >>>

Subandrio, Sukarno’s Foreign Minister and close ally, accused Subud and Bapak of being assets of the CIA in their efforts to overthrow Sukarno—as in fact came to pass, and EIR’s source confirmed above.

343 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I have done all the research in the past-- this comment is a combination of my own words, and two articles by other authors that have come up with the same details. What I remember is that Obum has used several ss numbers, which seemed to me was connected to using them to operate under the table and hide funds and transfers such as the property in Chicago. I found a record in Canada, but I dont remember which name it was or the time period but it was when he was young so maybe lived in Canada a bit or used that to get back into America- this Obum swamp creature thing has stretched out so long -- over 14 years.

I laughed when some people drooled over the pic of Marshall or Obama's maternal grandfather saying how very much Barry looked like one or the other -but he doesnt at all >>> put Barry and Subud muslim Bapak side by side or overlay and there is no mistaking it. She was there in the cult with Fuddy, and she wasnt just a lost little unwed mother-student. She was an operative with a degree in anthropology choosing to be in Indonesia and set up schools to teach children, very active in the Subud cause. He is not African-black he is Indonesian and white.

The book Obama and the Indonesian Murder Cult has a great deal of detail on what was occuring in Indonesia and globally back then. Killery was just an evil power hungry criminal and traitor but Barry had a global education Indonesia, Kenya, supposedly disappeared for a while and was somewhere in the Soviet Union for commie spy training, America, and a trip to Pakistan with his boyfriend [[?] all with unseen support from diff sources. Based on the purposeful obscurity of his background, hiding of records, glossing over and his manner of presenting himself as one thing but in reality being another and taking real actions to damage our country plus the facts I have been able to uncover--it is my assessment that his grandparents, mother and others in his life are-were CIA connected. They have played a big simplified story to the American people.

and ta-da from the book, the author comes to the same with regard to Barry's real Subud father and his mother's hidden activities >>>

Subandrio, Sukarno’s Foreign Minister and close ally, accused Subud and Bapak of being assets of the CIA in their efforts to overthrow Sukarno—as in fact came to pass, and EIR’s source confirmed above.

343 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I have done all the research in the past-- this comment is a combination of my own words, and two articles by other authors that have come up with the same details. What I remember is that Obum has used several ss numbers, which seemed to me was connected to using them to operate under the table and hide funds and transfers such as the property in Chicago. I found a record in Canada, but I dont remember which name it was or the time period but it was when he was young so maybe lived in Canada a bit or used that to get back into America- this Obum swamp creature thing has stretched out so long -- over 14 years.

I laughed when some people drooled over the pic of Marshall or Obama's maternal grandfather saying how very much Barry looked like one or the other -but he doesnt at all >>> put Barry and Subud muslim Bapak side by side or overlay and there is no mistaking it. She was there in the cult with Fuddy, and she wasnt just a lost little unwed mother-student. She was an operative with a degree in anthropology choosing to be in Indonesia and set up schools to teach children, very active in the Subud cause. He is not African-black he is Indonesian and white.

The book Obama and the Indonesian Murder Cult has a great deal of detail on what was occuring in Indonesia and globally back then. Killery was just an evil power hungry criminal and traitor but Barry had a global education Indonesia, Kenya, supposedly disappeared for a while and was somewhere in the Soviet Union for commie spy training, America, and a trip to Pakistan with his boyfriend [[?] all with unseen support from diff sources. Based on the purposeful obscurity of his background, hiding of records, glossing over and his manner of presenting himself as one thing but in reality being another and taking real actions to damage our country plus the facts I have been able to uncover--it is my assessment that his grandparents, mother and others in his life are-were CIA connected. They have played a big simplified story to the American people.

and ta-da from the book, the author comes to the same with regard to Barry's real Subud father and his mothers hidden activities >>>

Subandrio, Sukarno’s Foreign Minister and close ally, accused Subud and Bapak of being assets of the CIA in their efforts to overthrow Sukarno—as in fact came to pass, and EIR’s source confirmed above.

343 days ago
1 score