Here's what the BBC has to say about the Bohemian Grove in a recent story exposing Clarence Thomas and his donor as fellow members.
What really goes on there?
The two-week encampment reportedly involves stage performances, rituals, a lot of drinking and open-air urination.
Over the years, anti-capitalist, environmental and anti-nuclear demonstrators have protested against the event, although a local news report last year noted the protests have become smaller over time.
Journalists have repeatedly tried to infiltrate the gathering.
A 1989 article in Spy magazine called the encampment "the most exclusive frat party on earth" and detailed a speech by Mr Reagan, who had just left office.
In the year 2000, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones snuck in and recorded one of the club's rituals, the burning of an effigy.
He made a documentary filled with lurid accusations about grand plots and human sacrifice.
He was accompanied by the journalist Jon Ronson who had an altogether different take. He later wrote: "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity… I wondered whether the Bohemians shroud themselves in secrecy for reasons no more sinister than they thought it was cool."
Nebraska state senator John DeCamp and Bill Cooper had exposed the pedophile ring that operated out of Boys Town Nebraska and held sacrificial rituals in the California redwood forests.
The documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" was supposed to air on Discovery Channel in 1993, but the channel was purchased and all copies were ordered to be destroyed.
However, thanks to voices like Bill Cooper, that wasn't enough to silence the narrative. Cooper went into great details about what was really going on. It was increasingly clear something outrageous needed to happen to take back control of the narrative.
The dot com collapse was manufactured for multiple reasons, but one of the effects was they were able to shut down many of the free websites hosted on Angelfire, Geocities,, Lycos, Prodigy, Xoom,, Homestead, Fortune city, etc. exposing things like this and funnel Internet traffic to MSM sponsored sites which were a poor facsimile of what once existed.
A few copies of the documentary managed to survive and uploads of this are interestingly not being taken down from YouTube. My guess is since the documentary only exposes Republican pedophiles, it actually helps with the narrative that "Republicans are projecting their crimes onto Democrats."
Alex Jones made a spectacle of it all and brought along the MSM fact checker with him, who "debunked" it all. That was Alex's role and he was rewarded with Hollywood cameos and free publicity.
They banned Alex Jones on social media but drag him out whenever they need to mock real information.
Case in point -
Here's what the BBC has to say about the Bohemian Grove in a recent story exposing Clarence Thomas and his donor as fellow members.
What really goes on there?
The two-week encampment reportedly involves stage performances, rituals, a lot of drinking and open-air urination.
Over the years, anti-capitalist, environmental and anti-nuclear demonstrators have protested against the event, although a local news report last year noted the protests have become smaller over time.
Journalists have repeatedly tried to infiltrate the gathering.
A 1989 article in Spy magazine called the encampment "the most exclusive frat party on earth" and detailed a speech by Mr Reagan, who had just left office.
In the year 2000, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones snuck in and recorded one of the club's rituals, the burning of an effigy.
He made a documentary filled with lurid accusations about grand plots and human sacrifice.
He was accompanied by the journalist Jon Ronson who had an altogether different take. He later wrote: "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity… I wondered whether the Bohemians shroud themselves in secrecy for reasons no more sinister than they thought it was cool."
Nebraska state senator John DeCamp and Bill Cooper had exposed the pedophile ring that operated out of Boys Town Nebraska and held sacrificial rituals in the California redwood forests.
The documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" was supposed to air on Discovery Channel in 1993, but the channel was purchased and all copies were ordered to be destroyed.
However, thanks to voices like Bill Cooper, that wasn't enough to silence the narrative. Cooper went into great details about what was really going on. It was increasingly clear something outrageous needed to happen to take back control of the narrative. The dot com collapse was manufactured for multiple reasons, but one of the effects was they were able to get rid of many of the websites hosted on places such as Geocities exposing things like this.
A few copies of the documentary managed to survive and uploads of this are interestingly not being taken down from YouTube. My guess is since the documentary only exposes Republican pedophiles, it actually helps with the narrative that "Republicans are projecting their crimes onto Democrats."
Alex Jones made a spectacle of it all and brought along the MSM fact checker with him, who "debunked" it all. That was Alex's role and he was rewarded with Hollywood cameos and free publicity.
They banned Alex Jones on social media but drag him out whenever they need to mock real information.
Case in point -
Here's what the BBC has to say about the Bohemian Grove in a recent story exposing Clarence Thomas and his donor as fellow members.
What really goes on there?
The two-week encampment reportedly involves stage performances, rituals, a lot of drinking and open-air urination.
Over the years, anti-capitalist, environmental and anti-nuclear demonstrators have protested against the event, although a local news report last year noted the protests have become smaller over time.
Journalists have repeatedly tried to infiltrate the gathering.
A 1989 article in Spy magazine called the encampment "the most exclusive frat party on earth" and detailed a speech by Mr Reagan, who had just left office.
In the year 2000, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones snuck in and recorded one of the club's rituals, the burning of an effigy.
He made a documentary filled with lurid accusations about grand plots and human sacrifice.
He was accompanied by the journalist Jon Ronson who had an altogether different take. He later wrote: "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity… I wondered whether the Bohemians shroud themselves in secrecy for reasons no more sinister than they thought it was cool."
Nebraska state senator John DeCamp and Bill Cooper had exposed the pedophile ring that operated out of Boys Town Nebraska and held sacrificial rituals in the California redwood forests.
The documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" was supposed to air on Discovery Channel in 1993, but the channel was purchased and all copies were ordered to be destroyed.
However, thanks to voices like Bill Cooper, that wasn't enough to silence the narrative. Cooper went into great details about what was really going on. It was increasingly clear something outrageous needed to happen to take back control of the narrative.
A few copies of the documentary managed to survive and uploads of this are interestingly not being taken down from YouTube. My guess is since the documentary only exposes Republican pedophiles, it actually helps with the narrative that "Republicans are projecting their crimes onto Democrats."
Alex Jones made a spectacle of it all and brought along the MSM fact checker with him, who "debunked" it all. That was Alex's role and he was rewarded with Hollywood cameos and free publicity.
They banned Alex Jones on social media but drag him out whenever they need to mock real information.
Case in point -
Here's what the BBC has to say about the Bohemian Grove in a recent story exposing Clarence Thomas and his donor as fellow members.
What really goes on there?
The two-week encampment reportedly involves stage performances, rituals, a lot of drinking and open-air urination.
Over the years, anti-capitalist, environmental and anti-nuclear demonstrators have protested against the event, although a local news report last year noted the protests have become smaller over time.
Journalists have repeatedly tried to infiltrate the gathering.
A 1989 article in Spy magazine called the encampment "the most exclusive frat party on earth" and detailed a speech by Mr Reagan, who had just left office.
In the year 2000, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones snuck in and recorded one of the club's rituals, the burning of an effigy.
He made a documentary filled with lurid accusations about grand plots and human sacrifice.
He was accompanied by the journalist Jon Ronson who had an altogether different take. He later wrote: "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity… I wondered whether the Bohemians shroud themselves in secrecy for reasons no more sinister than they thought it was cool."
Nebraska state senator John DeCamp and Bill Cooper had exposed the pedophile ring that operated out of Boys Town Nebraska and held sacrificial rituals in the California redwood forests.
The documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" was supposed to air on Discovery Channel in 1993, but the channel was purchased and all copies were ordered to be destroyed.
A few copies managed to survive and uploads of this are interestingly not being taken down from YouTube. My guess is since the documentary only exposes Republican pedophiles, it actually helps with the narrative that "Republicans are projecting their crimes onto Democrats."
Alex Jones made a spectacle of it all and brought along the MSM fact checker with him, who "debunked" it all. That was Alex's role and he was rewarded with Hollywood cameos and free publicity.
They banned Alex Jones on social media but drag him out whenever they need to mock real information.
Case in point -