I've been doing a dive into human trafficking. I didn't look for it the videos just kept showing up on YouTube. I started out with two separate hour interviews with Jim Caviezel and then Tim Ballard. Now I'm watching a video showing USA military at the border and sting operations in "private" homes where people go to rent a child. I've known about trafficking almost three years and have learned so much more in two weeks than in the past three years. Each video is at least an hour. In the sting video they ask the guys why want to be with a child. One guy said he was board and another says he's depressed. Come on! We have a reached a whole new level of what it takes to make some people happy. Some may not believe in Satan but I believe he's as real as me and you.
You need to know everything your child does and who they are around! Especially online!
I plan to post on the main chat after I've watched more videos. The Tim Ballard videos are hosted by different people and have some overlap of information. In my opinion both are worth the watch if you don't have an hour to commit pause and come back later. I can only find on video with Jim Caviezel. The other will probably pop back up and if I find it I'll update post. I can't believe one of these videos is two years old and I didn't know some of the information.
These are the ones I've watched so far.
Tim Ballard The Root Cause of Human Trafficking & how to save your children from it
Jim Caviezel #1 Most Unforgivable Sin
A Startling film about the evils of sex trafficking in America
Tim Ballard Explains The Issue If Human Trafficking & How to protect your children
I've been doing a dive into human trafficking. I didn't look for it the videos just kept showing up on YouTube. I started out with two separate hour interviews with Jim Caviezel and then Tim Ballard. Now I'm watching a video showing USA military at the border and sting operations in "private" homes where people go to rent a child. I've known about trafficking almost three years and have learned so much more in two weeks than in the past three years. Each video is at least an hour. In the sting video they ask the guys why want to be with a child. One guy said he was board and another says he's depressed. Come on! We have a reached a whole new level of what it takes to make some people happy. Some may not believe in Satan but I believe he's as real as me and you.
You need to know everything your child does and who they are around! Especially online!
I plan to post on the main chat after I've watched more videos. The Tim Ballard videos are hosted by different people and have some overlap of information. In my opinion both are worth the watch if you don't have an hour to commit pause and come back later. I can only find on video with Jim Caviezel. The other will probably pop back up and if I find it I'll update post. I can't believe one of these videos is two years old and I didn't know some of the information.
These are the ones I've watched so far.
Tim Ballard The Root Cause of Human Trafficking & how to save your children from it
Jim Caviezel #1 Most Unforgivable Sin
A Starling film about the evils of sex trafficking in America
Tim Ballard Explains The Issue If Human Trafficking & How to protect your children