"I can multi task"
Super!!! 😘
Typically, online multi tasking involves engaging with multiple communities.
This community, as the side bar rules spell out, is for Q centric tasks. When theres uncertainty, mods ultimately decide. Questions and concerns about a mod's decision, per community rules, are to be addressed to them via mod.mail.
Fwiw basic infiltration tactics that are well known on the chan's, include injecting tempting topics or comments that derail and distract from the core intent. These temptations are sometimes called slides.
Not all slides are injected by malevolents however all slides risk furthering malevolent agendas.
Knowing that our war is a Spirtual War aka PsyWar, Q spent alot of time trying to train anons so they'd get in tip top shape ie be ready to be digital soldiers in this brutal psywar.
Newer arrivals may have missed Qs training. Some may have been trained and need a refresher. That's why Q told anons to regularly reread ALL of the Q drops.
"I can multi task"
Super!!! 😘
Typically, online multi tasking involves multi communities.
This community, as the side bar rules spell out, is for Q centric tasks. When theres uncertainty, mods ultimately decide. Questions and concerns about a mod's decision, per community rules, are to be addressed to them via mod.mail.
Fwiw basic infiltration tactics that are well known on the chan's, include injecting tempting topics or comments that derail and distract from the core intent. These temptations are sometimes called slides.
Not all slides are injected by malevolents however all slides risk furthering malevolent agendas.
Knowing that our war is a Spirtual War aka PsyWar, Q spent alot of time trying to train anons so they'd get in tip top shape ie be ready to be digital soldiers in this brutal psywar.
Newer arrivals may have missed Qs training. Some may have been trained and need a refresher. That's why Q told anons to regularly reread ALL of the Q drops.
"I can multi task"
Super!!! 😘
Typically, online multi tasking involves multi communities.
This community, as the side bar rules spell out, is for Q centric tasks. When theres uncertainty, mods ultimately decide. Questions and concerns about a mod's decision, per community rules, are to be addressed to them via mod.mail.
Fwiw basic infiltration tactics that are well known on the chan's, include injecting tempting topics or comments that derail and distract from the core intent. These temptations are sometimes called slides.
Not all slides are injected by malevolents however all slides risk furthering malevolent agendas.
Knowing that our war is a Spirtual War aka PsyWar, Q spent alot of time trying to train anons so they'd in tip top shape ie ready to be digital soldiers in this brutal psywar.
Newer arrivals may have missed Qs training. Some may have been trained and need a refresher. That's why Q told anons to regularly reread ALL of the Q drops.
"I can multi task"
Super!!! 😘
Typically, online multi tasking involves multi communities.
This community, as the side bar rules spell out, is for Q centric tasks. When theres uncertainty, mods ultimately decide. Questions and concerns about a mod's decision, per community rules, are to be addressed to them via mod.mail.
Fwiw basic infiltration tactics that are well known on the chan's, include injecting tempting topics or comments that derail and distract from the core intent. These temptations are sometimes called slides.
Not all slides are injected by malevolents however all slides risk furthering malevolent agendas.
Knowing that our war is a Spirtual War aka PsyWar, Q spent alot of time trying to train anons so they'd be in ready to be digital soldiers in this war. Newer arrivals may have missed Qs training. Some may have been trained and need a refresher. That's why Q told anons to regularly reread ALL of the Q drops.
"I can multi task"
Super!!! 😘
Typically, online multi tasking involves multi communities.
This community, as the side bar rules spell out, is for Q centric tasks.