I watch a lot of reaction videos to keep the pulse of the normie Overton window
Sound of freedom has been huger than huge. Life changing for many. Check this out frens.
I love watching people wake up.
This is just one example, but it's been a repetative theme the last few weeks across several channels. Comment sections abound with redpills and truth is finding it's way into normieland big time.
Just wait for the new Tom McDonald album reactions to start. HOG always crushes the comment sections.
Never know which redpills will sprout but the ground is fertile.
I watch a lot of reaction videos to keep the pulse of the normie Overton window
Sound of freedom has been huger than huge. Live changing for many. Check this out frens.
I love watching people wake up.
This is just one example, but it's been a reptative theme the last few weeks across several channels. Comment sections abound with redpills and truth is finding it's way into normieland big time.
Just wait for the new Tom McDonald album reactions to start. HOG always crushes the comment sections.
Never know which redpills will sprout but the ground is fertile.