Imo there won't be a "next Trump" because he is one of history's uniques; a prescient and genius transformational leader who alters the course of human history.
However, thats OK.
Others CAN maintain and manage what he created, with our help, after his visionary project is completed.
I'm reminded of Franklins famous response to the woman who asked him what our Founders had created, "a Republic if you can keep it" and the famous reminder about the cost of freedom; "the price of freedom is ETERNAL vigilance".
Trump == a rare creator genius
After Trump == caretakers of what was created who won't need to be creative geniuses like Trump, theyll just need to be competent, dedicated and vigilant.
Imo there won't be a "next Trump" because he is one of history's uniques; a prescient and genius transformational leader who alters the course of human history.
However, thats OK.
Others CAN maintain and manage what he created, with our help, after his visionary project is completed.
I'm reminded of Franklins famous response to the woman who asked him what our Founders had created, "a Republic if you can keep it" and the adage the price of freedom is ETERNAL vigilance".
Trump == a rare creator genius
After Trump == caretakers of what was created who don't need to be creative geniuses, just dedicated and vigilant.