There's something more than that one sailor sharing weapon secrets from the USS Essex. That's a joke, it's obviously something else.
USS Essex LHD-2 is a 30 year old ship with antique weapons.
- 2 RAM launchers
- 2 NATO Sea Sparrow launchers
- 3 20mm Phalanx (CIWS) mounts
- 4 .50cal. machine guns
RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) is a 30-year-old short range 6 mile max missile that we've sold to at least 10 other countries.
NATO Sea Sparrow, joking referred to as Sea Chicken, is a 50-year-old missile system with a max range of 10 miles that is used by at least 20 other countries.
Every nation has a CIWS, which is a 20 or 30 mm Gatling gun. (Close In Weapon System)
There's something more than that one sailor sharing weapon secrets from the USS Essex. That's a joke, obviously something else.
USS Essex LHD-2 is a 30 year old ship with antique weapons.
- 2 RAM launchers
- 2 NATO Sea Sparrow launchers
- 3 20mm Phalanx (CIWS) mounts
- 4 .50cal. machine guns
RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) is a 30-year-old short range, 6 mile max missile that we've sold to at least 10 other countries.
NATO Sea Sparrow, joking referred to as Sea Chicken, is a 50-year-old missile system with a max range of 10 miles that is used by at least 20 other countries.
Every nation has a CIWS, which is a 20 or 30 mm Gatling gun. (Close In Weapon System)
There's something more than that one sailor sharing weapon secrets from the USS Essex. That's a joke, obviously something else.
USS Essex LHD-2 is a 30 year old ship with antique weapons.
- 2 RAM launchers
- 2 NATO Sea Sparrow launchers
- 3 20mm Phalanx (CIWS) mounts
- 4 .50cal. machine guns
RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) is a 30-year-old short range, 6 mile max missile that we've sold to at least 10 other countries.
NATO Sea Sparrow, joking referred to as Sea Chicken, is a 50-year-old missile system with a max range of 10 miles that is used by at least 20 other countries.
Every nation has a CIWS. (Close In Weapon System)
There's something more than that one sailor sharing weapon secrets from the USS Essex. That is a joke.
USS Essex LHD-2 is a 30 year old ship with antique weapons.
- 2 RAM launchers
- 2 NATO Sea Sparrow launchers
- 3 20mm Phalanx (CIWS) mounts
- 4 .50cal. machine guns
RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) is a 30-year-old short range, 6 mile max missile that we've sold to at least 10 other countries.
NATO Sea Sparrow, joking referred to as Sea Chicken, is a 50-year-old missile system with a max range of 10 miles that is used by at least 20 other countries.
Every nation has a CIWS. (Close In Weapon System)