The hashtag used to be called the 'pound sign'. Comms = Pound, Pound? This could mean the price of gold per pound; Google's approx value of a pound of gold. 'The current gold price per pound as of 2022 is $22,372.00.' 2 pounds = $44,744.00
When we have an automated recording, the prerecorded AI bot doesn't say; '...enter your number then hit the hashtag sign', it says; 'enter your number, then hit the pound sign.'
Or, like someone else commented, it could be hashtag, hashtag = 55 which is Q post 55
The hashtag used to be called the 'pound sign'. Comms = Pound, Pound? This could mean the price of gold per pound; Google's approx value of a pound of gold. 'The current gold price per pound as of 2022 is $22,372.00.' 2 pounds = $44,744.00
When we have an automated recording, the prerecorded AI bot doesn't say; '...enter your number then hit the hashtag sign', it says; 'enter your number, then hit the pound sign.'
Or, like someone else commented, it could be hashtag, hashtag = 5:5
The hashtag used to be called the 'pound sign'. Comms = Pound, Pound?
When we have an automated recording, the prerecorded AI bot doesn't say; '...enter your number then hit the hashtag sign', it says; 'enter your number, then hit the pound sign.'
Or, it could be hashtag, hashtag = 5:5