Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But still the question : Whose psyop ! But quite optimistic - hey, we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank God, and have hope in Q,maybe everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some small ones.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need to wait 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice for me ;) [but children being safe and all of us being safe from cabal scums - this is much MORE important,so I wouldn't be angry at all if they start all earlier] So: Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.
God bless you all anons.
Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But still the question : Whose psyop ! But quite optimistic - hey, we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank God, and have hope in Q,maybe everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some small ones.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need to wait 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice for me ;) [but children being safe is MORE important,so I wouldn't be angry at all if they start it earlier] So: Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.
God bless you all anons.
Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But still the question : Whose psyop ! But quite optimistic - hey, we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank God, and have hope in Q,maybe everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need to wait 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice for me ;) [but children being safe is MORE important,so I wouldn't be angry at all if they start it earlier] So: Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.
God bless you all anons.
Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But quite optimistic,hey - we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank god and have hope everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need to wait 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice for me ;) [but children being safe is MORE important,so I wouldn't be angry at all if they start it earlier] So: Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.
God bless you all anons.
Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But quite optimistic,hey - we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank god and have hope everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need wait to 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice ;) So. Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.
God bless you all anons.
Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But quite optimistic,hey - we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank god and have hope everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need wait to 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice ;) So. Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.
Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But quite optimistic,hey - we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank god and have hope everything will somehow end well.
Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some.Nevertheless ARE it seems...
If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok.