Foreigner too. Polish anon from GMT+2 timezone (currently government imbeciles still continue those silly winter-summer time nonsense...)
Midnight US time meaning NY time GMT-4 or Commiefornia time GMT-7 ?
Because you know - I guess you are not from Alaska (GMT-8) or Hawaii (GMT-10).
Intervals are better to check: from-to. When she ends would be the key too. Patterns are important anon. Very important.
All people have to sleep.All. Midnight to 6 AM / or 2AM to 4AM at worst - are sleeping window for the most.
Thing also to consider : paid shill or not.
Definitely area from Europe to China/Russia, Middle or Eastern Europe (Germany or east from Germany) to China.
As for me your midnight is 6 AM it is too early for the paid shill doing job in the office. Offices start rather at 7 AM. If I would bet paid shill I would bet on:
-Ukraine (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Israel (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ If it is NY Western Europe too to be considered if that is more near to Commiefornia time, so it is crucial to consider what time it is for you.
Or it may be some Chinese after work - so hers 14.00 suits a bit too: GMT+8 ->14.00+ (2.00 PM) to 16.00/17.00
If she is doing it in leisure time - bingo, it may be Chinese one. If it is paid shill most probably from central Europe to Kazakhstan, most probably Israel or Ukraine.
Person from western europe not being unemployed would go to job on those hours probably.
I wouldn't ask you for your exact timezone as all we know about leftists and cabal scums from USA looking carefully at GA to get us personally, just calculate it all.
Foreigner too. Polish anon from GMT+2 timezone (currently government imbeciles still continue those silly winter-summer time nonsense...)
Midnight US time meaning NY time GMT-4 or Commiefornia time GMT-7 ?
Because you know - I guess you are not from Alaska (GMT-8) or Hawaii (GMT-10).
Intervals are better to check: from-to. When she ends would be the key too. Patterns are important anon. Very important.
All people have to sleep.All. Midnight to 6 AM / or 2AM to 4AM at worst - are sleeping window for the most.
Thing also to consider : paid shill or not.
Definitely area from Europe to China/Russia, Middle or Eastern Europe (Germany or east from Germany) to China.
As for me your midnight is 6 AM it is too early for the paid shill doing job in the office. Offices start rather at 7 AM. If I would bet paid shill I would bet on:
-Ukraine (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Israel (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ If it is NY Western Europe too to be considered if that is more near to Commiefornia time, so it is crucial to consider what time it is for you.
Or it may be some Chinese after work - so hers 14.00 suits a bit too: GMT+8 ->14.00+ (2.00 PM) to 16.00/17.00
If she is doing it in leisure time - bingo, it may be Chinese one. If it is paid shill most probably from central Europe to Kazakhstan, most probably Israel or Ukraine.
Person from western europe not being unemployed would go to job on those hours probably.
Foreigner too. Polish anon from GMT+2 timezone (currently government imbeciles still continue those silly winter-summer time nonsense...)
Midnight US time meaning NY time (GMT-4 or Commiefornia time GMT-7) ? Intervals are better to check: from-to. When she ends would be the key too. Patterns are important anon. Very important.
All people have to sleep. midnight to 6 AM or 2AM to 4AM at worst are sleeping window for the most.
Thing also to consider : paid shill or not.
Definitely area from Europe to China/Russia, Middle or Eastern Europe (Germany or east from Germany) to China.
As for me your midnight is 6 AM it is too early for the paid shill doing job in the office. Offices start rather at 7 AM. If I would bet paid shill I would bet on:
-Ukraine (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Israel (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ If it is NY Western Europe too to be considered if that is more near to Commiefornia time, so it is crucial to consider what time it is for you.
Or it may be some Chinese after work - so hers 14.00 suits a bit too: GMT+8 ->14.00+ (2.00 PM) to 16.00/17.00
If she is doing it in leisure time - bingo, it may be Chinese one. If it is paid shill most probably from central Europe to Kazakhstan, most probably Israel or Ukraine.
Person from western europe not being unemployed would go to job on those hours probably.
Foreigner too. Polish anon from GMT+2 timezone (currently government imbeciles still continue those silly winter-summer time nonsense...)
Midnight US time meaning NY time (GMT-4 or Commiefornia time GMT-7) ? Intervals are better to check: from-to. When she ends would be the key too. Patterns are important anon. Very important.
Thing also to consider : paid shill or not.
Definitely area from Europe to China/Russia, Middle or Eastern Europe (Germany or east from Germany) to China.
As for me your midnight is 6 AM it is too early for the paid shill doing job in the office. Offices start rather at 7 AM. If I would bet paid shill I would bet on:
-Ukraine (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Israel (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ If it is NY Western Europe too to be considered if that is more near to Commiefornia time, so it is crucial to consider what time it is for you.
Or it may be some Chinese after work - so hers 14.00 suits a bit too: GMT+8 ->14.00+ (2.00 PM) to 16.00/17.00
If she is doing it in leisure time - bingo, it may be Chinese one. If it is paid shill most probably from central Europe to Kazakhstan, most probably Israel or Ukraine.
Person from western europe not being unemployed would go to job on those hours probably.
Foreigner too. Polish anon from GMT+2 timezone (currently) Midnight US time meaning NY time (GMT-4 or Commiefornia time GMT-7) ? Intervals are better to check: from-to. When she ends would be the key too.
Thing also to consider : paid or not.
Definitely area from Europe to China/Russia, Middle or Eastern Europe (Germany or east from Germany) to China.
As for me your midnight is 6 AM I guess it would be actually 1-2 hours lag if it is paid shill. If I would bet paid shill I would bet on: -Ukraine (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Israel (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Kazakhstan (GMT+6) -> 12.00 AM+
Or it may be some Chink after work so hers 14.00 suits a bit too: GMT+8 ->14.00 (2.00 PM)