"Shifting Your Bank Accounts to FedNow Without Your Knowledge"
Is this applicable to those of us who have funds in Credit Unions?
https://nitter.net/ProdigalThe3rd/status/1688128778323542016 not working for me. Could be me I guess. I have Ad Block, and other privacy protections running including VPN.
ping nitter.net Request timed out.
"Shifting Your Bank Accounts to FedNow Without Your Knowledge"
Is this applicable to those of us who have funds in Credit Unions?
https://nitter.net/ProdigalThe3rd/status/1688128778323542016 not working for me. Could be me I guess. I have Ad Block, and other privacy protections running including VPN.
"Shifting Your Bank Accounts to FedNow Without Your Knowledge"
Is this applicable to those of us who have funds in Credit Unions?