I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity subconsciously chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explained many mysteries I had been researching and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity subconsciously chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explained many mysteries I had been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity subconsciously chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explained many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity subconsciously chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this era came to an end and most of humanity subconsciously chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity subconsciously chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure negativity to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose our future direction between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure evil to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose the future path between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure evil to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose the future path between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are basically quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure evil to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator and join the rest of the galaxy.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.
I suggest reading The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) to hear it from the horse's mouth. Both are dialogs with alleged cabal insiders who explain what's going on.
Basically, humanity has been in an early stage of civilizational development for the past ~78000 years where we collectively and personally choose the future path between service to self and service to others, or fear and love. We are basically quarantined and cut off from the rest of the universe which is actually teeming with life. In order to facilitate this choice, the cabal has been demonstrating pure evil to us for all this time. Many civilizations have risen and fallen, their remains litter the planet.
However, in 2012 this stage came to an end and most of humanity chose service to others, or love. That's why the corrupt power structures are coming down and a new golden era is dawning. And yes, even reality itself will transform as we take a step closer to the Creator.
It's wild but it explains many mysteries I've been researching clearly and elegantly and predicted the insanity of the past three years. I suggest everyone read and make up their own mind.