I know you are an expert when it comes to word games. I've been there with you.
I also know the only reason you commented on this video is because of the chemtrail part at the end.
I stopped watching halfway through the video, I wanted to hear what he said about the Organic Act. I had no idea he talked about chemtrails at the end till someone mentioned it in the comments.
It is like you are the gatekeeper for all chemtrail conversations. It is like you consider yourself the censor for all chemtrail conversations, lurking in the corner, waiting. Do you have a little bell that goes off each time someone types the word "chemtrail"?
It is like you have a mandate to point out those pesky persistent chemtrails. A garbage theory that defies the laws of physics.
Cold air moving through a hot turbine creates condensation that instantly freezes at extreme altitudes. That frozen condensation creates the white contrail behind the plane.
At 30,000 and 40,000 feet altitude, the cruising altitude of most jet aircraft, air temperatures range from −40 to −70 °F.
As temperatures decrease, the water vapor content decreases as well. At 35,000 feet, the atmosphere is almost void of any humidity. The frozen condensation from the plane is almost instantly dissipated through sublimation because of the extremely low water content in the atmosphere. The graph below shows this. At zero degrees Fahrenheit, the Air Moisture Holding Capacity drops to near zero. At -50 F Air Moisture Holding Capacity is even closer to zero.
The extremely low temperatures and humidity cause rapid sublimation of the frozen condensation. Look at any normal contrail, they are gone within 10 seconds. There are no variables, temperatures at 40,000 feet are constantly near -50 and the Air Moisture Holding Capacity is always near zero. Trying to rationalize persistent contrails based on varying humidity is bullshit, check the graph
Any contrail that is persistent defies the laws physics. Persistent contrails contain solids that do not sublimate. Anyone pushing the theory of persistent contrails is spouting globalist lies. Any website explaining persistent contrails is funded by globalist scientists and organizations. Any federal agency pushing persistent contrail theory are also the same agencies pushing globalist climate change garbage.
I find that kinda weird. Almost like you are trying to protect someone or something. Your main objective, wait for chemtrail conversations, try to maintain relevancy in the background, snipping at people, discrediting posts you disagree with, then push the persistent chemtrail theory when the time is right. Looking at your input here, you joined over 2 years ago and have a post score of 694. You have not posted anything to the page for 3 months, yet here you are. You found a chemtrail video and piped in with your persistent contrail propaganda once again.
Here is a site below explaining your persistent contrail theory. Only explanation they give is high humidity, but I proved above that high humidity at that altitude is impossible. Look at the site, see the term Global? Look at the federal sponsors, all the same organizations pushing the global warming propaganda. The chances of probability conclude you are a globalist which explains why you hate conversating with us nationalists. Just don't have what it takes to fit in. Have a good day.
I know you are an expert when it comes to word games. I've been there with you.
I also know the only reason you commented on this video is because of the chemtrail part at the end.
I stopped watching halfway through the video, I wanted to hear what he said about the Organic Act. I had no idea he talked about chemtrails at the end till someone mentioned it in the comments.
It is like you are the gatekeeper for all chemtrail conversations. It is like you consider yourself the censor for all chemtrail conversations, lurking in the corner, waiting. Do you have a little bell that goes off each time someone types the word "chemtrail"?
It is like you have a mandate to point out those pesky persistent chemtrails. A garbage theory that defies the laws of physics.
Cold air moving through a hot turbine creates condensation that instantly freezes at extreme altitudes. That frozen condensation creates the white contrail behind the plane.
At 30,000 and 40,000 feet altitude, the cruising altitude of most jet aircraft, air temperatures range from −40 to −70 °F.
As temperatures decrease, the water vapor content decreases as well. At 35,000 feet, the atmosphere is almost void of any humidity. The frozen condensation from the plane is almost instantly dissipated through sublimation because of the extremely low water content in the atmosphere. The graph below shows this. At zero degrees Fahrenheit, the Air Moisture Holding Capacity drops to near zero. At -50 F Air Moisture Holding Capacity is even closer to zero.
The extremely low temperatures cause rapid sublimation of the frozen condensation. Look at any normal contrail, they are gone within 10 seconds. There are no variables, temperatures at 40,000 feet are constantly near -50 and the Air Moisture Holding Capacity is always near zero. Trying to rationalize persistent contrails based on varying humidity is bullshit, check the graph
Any contrail that is persistent defies the laws physics. Persistent contrails contain solids that do not sublimate. Anyone pushing the theory of persistent contrails is spouting globalist lies. Any website explaining persistent contrails is funded by globalist scientists and organizations. Any federal agency pushing persistent contrail theory are also the same agencies pushing globalist climate change garbage.
I find that kinda weird. Almost like you are trying to protect someone or something. Your main objective, wait for chemtrail conversations, try to maintain relevancy in the background, snipping at people, discrediting posts you disagree with, then push the persistent chemtrail theory when the time is right. Looking at your input here, you joined over 2 years ago and have a post score of 694. You have not posted anything to the page for 3 months, yet here you are. You found a chemtrail video and piped in with your persistent contrail propaganda once again.
Here is a site below explaining your persistent contrail theory. Only explanation they give is high humidity, but I proved above that high humidity at that altitude is impossible. Look at the site, see the term Global? Look at the federal sponsors, all the same organizations pushing the global warming propaganda. The chances of probability conclude you are a globalist which explains why you hate conversating with us nationalists. Just don't have what it takes to fit in. Have a good day.