Sadistic f@(kers made sure people were burned alive. Apparently it wasn’t enough to burn their homes to the ground.
I hope that elderly Hawaiian gentleman is protected by God… and that in the not-so-distant future he can identify the (alleged) policeman who was “following orders”. I wouldn’t put it past the cabal to dress up their thug squad goons as cops and pull this evil either.
Sadistic f@(kers made sure people were burned alive. Apparently it wasn’t enough to burn their homes to the ground.
I hope that elderly Hawaiian gentleman is protected by God… and that I the not-so-distant future he can identify the (alleged) policeman who was “following orders”. I wouldn’t put it past the cabal to dress up their thug squad goons as cops and pull this evil either.
Sadistic fuckers made sure people were burned alive. Apparently it wasn’t enough to burn their homes to the ground.
I hope that elderly Hawaiian gentleman is protected by God… and that I the not-so-distant future he can identify the (alleged) policeman who was “following orders”. I wouldn’t put it past the cabal to dress up their thug squad goons as cops and pull this evil either.
Sadistic fuckers made sure people were burned alive.