This is likely correct. It does appear to be artificial and engineered specifically to “rile up” and then dispose of the most troublesome humans under the guise of “rebellion”, “extremists”, and “terrorists”. It coincides with cabal ~100 year planning cycles and 25 year operational cycles.
They use 3 generations of males: grandfather, father, son who each contribute 33.3 years to “the plan” and its execution.
Russian Pandemic and kickoff of destruction of Russia 1889+25=1914 (WW1) +25=1939 (WW2) +25=1964 (WW3 attempt1, time shifted early and thwarted by Patriots, Cuban Missile Crisis) +25=1989 (George HWB kickoff of NWO and destruction of America) +25=2014 (WW3 attempt3, Ukraine color revolution and US vs Russia, attempt#3) +25=2039 (expected war attempt or complete UN/WHO takeover complete if not stopped). Backwards from 1889-25=1864 (American Civil War).
UN/globalist Agenda 2030 sets up for moves to be made in 2033 that sets up for 2039 event (whatever that may be). 1939 was WW2, 1839 was economic panic (engineered in retaliation for cancellation of Bank#2 in 1836.
This is likely correct. It does appear to be artificial and engineered specifically to “rile up” and then dispose of the most troublesome humans under the guise of “rebellion”, “extremists”, and “terrorists”. It coincides with cabal ~100 year planning cycles and 25 year operational cycles.
They use 3 generations of males: grandfather, father, son who each contribute 33 years to “the plan” and its execution.
Russian Pandemic and kickoff of destruction of Russia 1889+25=1914 (WW1) +25=1939 (WW2) +25=1964 (WW3 attempt1, time shifted early and thwarted by Patriots, Cuban Missile Crisis) +25=1989 (George HWB kickoff of NWO and destruction of America) +25=2014 (WW3 attempt3, Ukraine color revolution and US vs Russia, attempt#3) +25=2039 (expected war attempt or complete UN/WHO takeover complete if not stopped). Backwards from 1889-25=1864 (American Civil War).
UN/globalist Agenda 2030 sets up for moves to be made in 2033 that sets up for 2039 event (whatever that may be). 1939 was WW2, 1839 was economic panic (engineered in retaliation for cancellation of Bank#2 in 1836.