Yes...dozens of times attempted:
Three White House Fence Jumpers
Motorcade Driver pulled out at last minute
Rocket fired at AF1
Hang Glider flies in restricted Air Space near POTUS & FLOTUS in Scotland on DJT's own Golf Club and later that night a USSS Agent died of 'heart attack'...this is the Agent who was in charge of inspecting and securing the Suite for POTUS & FLOTUS.
FLOTUS ill and hospitalized for kidney issue... probable poison attempt.
And who knows how many more that we aren't aware of...🙏
Yes...dozens of times attempted:
Three White House Fence Jumpers
Motorcade Driver pulled out at last minute
Rocket fired at AF1
Hang Glider flies in restricted Air Space near POTUS & FLOTUS in Scotland on DJT's own Golf Club and later that night a USSS Agent died of 'heart attack'...this is the Agent who was in inspecting and securing the Suite for POTUS & FLOTUS.
FLOTUS ill and hospitalized for kidney issue... probable poison attempt.
And who knows how many more that we aren't aware of...🙏
Yes...dozens of times attempted:
Three White House Fence Jumpers
Motorcade Driver pulled out at late minute
Rocket fired at AF1
Hang Glider flies in restricted Air Space near POTUS & FLOTUS in Scotland on DJT's own Golf Club and later that night a USSS Agent died of 'heart attack'...this is the Agent who was in inspecting and securing the Suite for POTUS & FLOTUS.
FLOTUS ill and hospitalized for kidney issue... probable poison attempt.
And who knows how many more that we aren't aware of...🙏