Guidelines for Treating Clinical PTSD Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping...
"Unless cost-effective therapies are implemented rapidly, the estimated cost to the US economy of PTSD in veterans alone could exceed a trillion dollars [63]. If widely adapted, Clinical EFT promises to be such a cost-effective, evidence-based treatment."
To me what is the saddest aspect of this is that there are effective treatments that are available but are not well-known or used because they are suppressed by the Rockefeller methodology which supports Big Pharma...there are SO many alternative treatments...this high suicide rate due to trauma should not exist...I am sorry to hear about this man's death....that he saw no other options...
Guidelines for Treating Clinical PTSD Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping...,in%20four%20to%2010%20sessions.
"Unless cost-effective therapies are implemented rapidly, the estimated cost to the US economy of PTSD in veterans alone could exceed a trillion dollars [63]. If widely adapted, Clinical EFT promises to be such a cost-effective, evidence-based treatment."
To me what is the saddest aspect of this is that there are effective treatments that are available but are not well-known or used because they are suppressed by the Rockefeller methodology which supports Big Pharma...there are SO many alternative treatments...this high suicide rate due to trauma should not exist...I am sorry to hear about this man's death....that he saw no other options...
Guidelines for Treating Clinical PTSD Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping...
"Unless cost-effective therapies are implemented rapidly, the estimated cost to the US economy of PTSD in veterans alone could exceed a trillion dollars [63]. If widely adapted, Clinical EFT promises to be such a cost-effective, evidence-based treatment."
To me what is the saddest aspect of this is that there are effective treatments that are available but are not well-known or used because they are suppressed by the Rockefeller methodology which supports Big Pharma...there are SO many alternative treatments...this high suicide rate due to trauma should not exist...I am sorry to hear about this man's death....that he saw no other options...