Back in early January of 21, Dr Simone Gold reported that this vaccine was tested on animals for the first Covid virus. When the animals were RE-infected with the virus, it caused an "over-reaction" in the immune systems that resulted in death for (most or all, IDR) the animals.
Edit: The video (57 min) is still up @:
I don't know how much info is changed since then, but THIS video is what kept me from ever being vaxed.
Back in early January of 21, Dr Simone Gold reported that this vaccine was tested on animals for the first Covid virus. When the animals were RE-infected with the virus, it caused an "over-reaction" in the immune systems that resulted in death for (most or all, IDR) the animals.
Edit: The video is still up @:
I don't know how much info is changed since then, but THIS video is what kept me from ever being vaxed.
Back in early January of 21, Dr Simone Gold reported that this vaccine was tested on animals for the first Covid virus. When the animals were RE-infected with the virus, it caused an "over-reaction" in the immune systems that resulted in death for (most or all, IDR) the animals.