Unfortunately, it is the counter to our Great Awakening. Just as we are trying to get through thick skulls that our country has been taken over and genocided, they are hammering the Great Awakening with ... yes, it has been and there is nothing you can do about it: Vaccinations, food shortages, covid 2, and Stock Market implosion will take care of the Great Awakening before you can touch us ... it is a race, and we are ahead ... is their thinking
Unfortunately, it is the counter to our Great Awakening. Just as we are trying to get through thick skulls that our country has been taken over and genocided, they are hammering the Great Awakening with ... yes, it has been and there is nothing you can do about it: Vaccinations, food shortages, covid 2, and Stock Market implosion will take care of the Great Awakening before you can touch us ... it is a race, and we are ahead.