Yet I'm the one censored and banned on different forums for calling the "vax" the mark of the beast.
There's so much information that proves it to be true. The simple fact that it's been shown and explained by experts that it changes, alters, contaminates the DNA of the individual who receives it. But still most refuse to believe it.
It doesn't line up with their preconceived ideas and doctrines. They're carnal in their thinking and therefore God hasn't shown them the Truth.
One must truly want to know the truth no matter how painful that truth might be. But they stop immediately once they have to entertain the idea that their friends and loved ones are damned.
The bigger road block for them is to really accept that this life as they know it, is coming to end. That they might have to look inwardly and make some changes and give up some comforts (idols) in life.
They want someone (other than Jesus) to save us so they can go back to being in their comfortable bubbles.
God is shaking this earth. He's dividing the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares. It's not enough to just not contaminate your God given DNA. We have to repent (change direction) unto God, true repentance is in order.
But as His Word says, many are called but FEW are chosen. It's up to you reader to decide if you'll be one of the few. I pray you choose wisely. God bless.
Yet I'm the one censored and banned on different forums for calling the "vax" the mark of the beast.
There's so much information that proves it to be true. The simple fact that it's been shown and explained by experts that it changes, alters, contaminates the DNA of the individual who receives it. But still most refuse to believe it.
It doesn't line up with their preconceived ideas and doctrines. Their carnal in their thinking and therefore God hasn't shown them the Truth.
One must truly want to know the truth no matter how painful that truth might be. But they stop immediately once they have to entertain that their friends and loved ones are damned.
The bigger road block for them is to really accept that this life as they know it, is coming to end. That they might have to look inwardly and make some changes and give up some comforts (idols) in it.
They want someone (other than Jesus) to save us so they can go back to being in their comfortable bubbles.
God is shaking this earth. He's dividing the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares. It's not enough to just not contaminate your God given DNA. We have to repent (change direction) unto God, true repentance is in order.
But as His Word says, many are called but FEW are chosen. It's up to you reader to decide if you'll be one of the few. I pray you choose wisely. God bless.