Raskin and a County in Florida is already working the narrative to legally assassinate Trump’s ability to run or even be elected President. Though we all know he was found Not Guilty in his impeachments, Raskin is trying to state that just being charged or found guilty by 1 side of Congress, or by the vote to proceed by the Senate makes Trump ineligible. Raskin and any of these traitorous AG’s are idiots that certainly need GITMO quick drop and sudden stops!
Raskin and a County in Florida is already working the narrative to legally assassinate Trump’s ability to run or even be elected President. Though we all know he was found Not Guilty in his impeachments, Raskin is trying to state that just being charged or found guilty by 1 side of Congress, or by the vote to proceed by the Senate makes Trump ineligible. Raskin is an idiot that certainly needs a GITMO quick drop and sudden stop!
Raskin is already working the narrative to legally assassinate Trump’s ability to run or even be elected President. Though we all know he was found Not Guilty in his impeachments, Raskin is trying to state that just being charged or found guilty by 1 side of Congress, or by the vote to proceed by the Senate makes Trump ineligible. Raskin is an idiot that certainly needs a GITMO quick drop and sudden stop!