people believe propaganda coming out of a communist hellhole. the same communist hellhole that just a few weeks ago, did more to cover up their massive flooding & destruction than the scum in Hawaii have done.
people also believed that even if Sars-Cov-2 was proven real, which it never has been, that they could vaccinate against it, not understanding how "coronavirus'" work...
(1) CV supposedly mutates at a rate humans cannot get ahead of
(2) that virus' get stronger... they don't, they get weaker, so as to NOT kill their host
(3) if Sars-Cov-2 & its "variants" have never been isolated, what exactly were they supposed to be building the vaccine around? it would be like getting a 911 call & sending in Animal doesn't make any sense
our biggest problem is not the mandates, the jabs, the masks or the Illuminist puppets pushing all that shit... its the stupid, nearly brain-dead sheeple, who are scared of their own shadows.
people believe propaganda coming out of a communist hellhole. the same communist hellhole that just a few weeks ago, did more to cover up their massive flooding & destruction than the scum in Hawaii have done.
people also believed that even if Sars-Cov-2 was proven real, which it never has been, that they could vaccinate against it, not understanding how "coronavirus'" work. (1) they supposedly mutate at a rate humans cannot get ahead of (2) that virus' get stronger... they don't, they get weaker, so as to NOT kill their host
our biggest problem is not the mandates, the jabs, the masks or the Illuminist puppets pushing all that shit... its the stupid, nearly brain-dead sheeple, who are scared of their own shadows.