Sincere thanks for inspiring a personal aside slide. 😘
I'd like some smooth ice cream.
I'd also like to see President Trump serve another four year term as POTUS 47.
Finally, I'd like to see Nigel Farage at President Trumps January 20, 2021 Inauguration.
Thanks for inspiring a personal aside slide. 😘
I'd like some smooth ice cream.
I'd also like to see President Trump serve another four year term as POTUS 47.
Finally, I'd like to see Nigel Farage at President Trumps January 20, 2021 Inauguration.
Thanks for inspiring a personal aside slide. 😘
I'd like some smooth ice cream.
I'd also like to see President Trump serve another four year term as POTUS 47.
I'd like some ice cream.
I'd also like President Trump to serve another four year term as POTUS 47.