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The problem is there is never any action because all government bureaus have been political. All they care about is staying in power by any means. None care about what the citizens want or vote for. We are just pesky slaves who supply them with taxpayer money to control us. ( We are taxed up front on our earnings, taxed again for buying a house, yearly for keeping that house via property taxes, on every service we buy, like non-edible groceries, gasoline, utilities, maintenance products for our house, etc. Federal, state, local taxes, sales tax, etc.). The FBI, DOJ, DHS, FEMA, IRS, State Dept., CIA, FDA, CDC, NIH, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Energy, etc. are all corrupt. Do you really think the Pentagon just “lost” money or had “accounting errors?” If they were truly that incompetent, and their claim was legit, heads would roll. But know it is just shrugged off by Congress and the Dept. heads. They think we are all stupid. We are powerless to the bureaucracy and the corruption. It runs very deep. Our government thinks nothing of eliminating the “pesky” insects who protest, whether by plane crashes, drownings, IRS taxation fraud charges, false arrests, confiscation of property (if you don’t operate within the government laws, like Amish farmers who dare to butcher their own meat outside of an FDA facility and share the meat with the coop owners.) Is it any wonder why people flip, like the Bundies and the WACO tragedy? We recently saw what local, state and federal government do when citizens refuse to sell their land to the mighty and powerful, i.e. Lahaina. We will never be free until all these government agencies are defunded, disbanded, and the crooked are arrested, tried, and prosecuted for treason, election interference, corruption and murder.

305 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

The problem is there is never any action because all government bureaus have been political. All they care about is staying in power by any means. None care about what the citizens want or vote for. We are just pesky slaves who supply them with taxpayer money to control us. We are taxed up front on our earnings, taxed again for buying a house, yearly for keeping that house via property taxes, on every service we buy (non-edible groceries, gasoline, utilities, maintenance products for our house, etc.) Federal, state, local taxes, sales tax, etc.

305 days ago
1 score