your tax rate is 10%?! or your calculation is way off bruh. most places 1-3% which is $500-1500 additional yearly. That said, people who live in texas getting FUCKT right now. The people who had paid off their properties have swings of 300% property increased values in the past 10 years. And the ones that are dumb enough to buy recently are paying anywhere from 16k-24k YEARLY for their 800k run of the mill track homes, not including MUD, PID and then massive increases in hazard insurances. Socal, home worth 7 figures, I'm paying less than $5k yearly property tax rofl. bought it for a song during the last real estate dip, locked in property tax and 15 years later massive value increase yet doesnt bother me since no tax increase.
your tax rate is 10%?! or your calculation is way off bruh. most places 1-3% which is $500-1500 additional yearly. That said, people who live in texas getting FUCKT right now. The people who had paid off their properties have swings of 300% property increased values in the past 10 years. And the ones that are dumb enough to buy recently are paying anywhere from 16k-24k YEARLY for their 800k run of the mill track homes, not including MUD, PID and then massive increases in hazard insurances. Socal, home worth 7 figures, I'm paying less than $5k yearly property tax rofl.
your tax rate is 10%?! or your calculation is way off bruh. most places 1-3% which is $500-1500 additional yearly. That said, people who live in texas getting FUCKT right now. The people who had paid off their properties have swings of 300% property increased values in the past 10 years.