Oh? Were they my posts? No, they were posts that someone else posted on PDW that I moved over here because they were super relevant to GAW. Did they already previously exist on GAW? No, I searched for the content from someone in search, you'll notice I don't steal other people's posts and sticking my own. It's embarrassing to be outlifted and out researched and outhustled by PDW. When you see three cats five posts sticky to the front page, it's not me that should be embarrassed, it's YOU.
Your last post on GAW was almost a year ago. Seriously, what do you care? You are exactly the kind of do nothing, low info, low effort loser we don't want shitting up the board. Welcome to embodying the exact reason we mod GAW the way we do.
Oh? Were they my posts? No, they were posts that someone else posted on PDW that I moved over here because they were super relevant to GAW. Did they already previously exist on GAW? No, I searched for the content from someone in search, you'll notice I don't steal other people's posts and sticking my own. It's embarrassing to be outlifted and out researched and outhustled by PDW. When you see three cats five posts sticky to the front page, it's not me that should be embarrassed, it's YOU. TALK ABOUT BEING A MORON.