To some people, "hivemind" is always a bad thing. Like "propaganda", or "guns".
They are tools that can be bad or good, depending on how they're used. In this case, hivemind just means good collaboration and sharing of insights among the group.
Good propaganda, for example, could be pumping out 24/7 video proof of:
systemic election fraud taking place
side-by-side images of real Joe Biden and fake teevee Bidens, comparing the noses, earlobes, eye shapes, eye colors, foreheads, handedness, signatures, etc., clearly showing they are not the same person
Fauxbama and Big Mick repeatedly admitting, in different settings, that Barry was born in Kenya—along with images of newspaper articles and Fauxbama's own publicity pamphlets stating the same truth
Big Mick's swingin' dick
media and politicians fiercely attacking the weaponization of govt against a political candidate
dem politicians praising Trump up and down for his handling of disasters
To some people, "hivemind" is always a bad thing. Like "propaganda", or "guns".
They are tools that can be bad or good, depending on how they're used. In this case, hivemind just means good collaboration and sharing of insights among the group.
Good propaganda, for example, could be pumping out 24/7 video proof of:
systemic election fraud taking place
side-by-side images of real Joe Biden and fake teevee Bidens, comparing the noses, earlobes, eye shapes, eye colors, foreheads, handedness, signatures, etc., clearly showing they are not the same person
Fauxbama and Big Mick repeatedly admitting, in different settings, that Barry was born in Kenya
Big Mick's swingin' dick
media and politicians fiercely attacking the weaponization of govt against a political candidate
dem politicians praising Trump up and down for his handling of disasters
To some people, "hivemind" is always a bad thing. Like "propaganda", or "guns".
They are tools that can be bad or good, depending on how they're used. In this case, hivemind just means good collaboration and sharing of insights among the group.
Good propaganda, for example, could be pumping out 24/7 video proof of:
systemic election fraud taking place
side-by-side images of real Joe Biden and fake teevee Biden, comparing the noses, earlobes, eye shapes, eye colors, foreheads, handedness, signatures, etc., clearly showing they are not the same person
Fauxbama and Big Mick repeatedly admitting, in different settings, that Barry was born in Kenya
Big Mick's swingin' dick
media and politicians fiercely attacking the weaponization of govt against a political candidate
dem politicians praising Trump up and down for his handling of disasters