I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you has ever been photographed in your life. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway. (Usually, it's HUNDREDS. Or more.)
Not zero!
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.
But it makes sense, since we know who the parents of Sasha and Malia really are; we've seen photos of the girls with their parents (!); and they each are a DEAD RINGER for one or the other of their real parents, while looking nothing at all like either of the Fauxbamas.
I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you has ever been photographed in your life. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway. (Usually, it's HUNDREDS. Or more.)
Not zero!
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.
But it makes sense, since we know who the parents of Sasha and Malia really are; we've seen photos of the girls with their parents (!); and they each are a DEAD RINGER for one or the other of their real parents.
I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you has ever been photographed in your life. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway. (Usually, it's HUNDREDS. Or more.)
Not zero!
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.
But it makes sense, since we know who the parents of Sasha and Malia really are; we've seen photos of them with their parents (!); and they each are a DEAD RINGER for one or the other of their real parents.
I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you has ever been photographed in your life. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway. (Usually, it's HUNDREDS. Or more.)
Not zero!
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.
I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you has ever been photographed. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway. (Usually, it's HUNDREDS. Or more.)
Not zero!
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.
I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you have ever had a photograph taken, ever. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway. (Usually, it's HUNDREDS. Or more.)
Not zero!
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.
I don't follow the pregnant photo argument much. There's not one pregnant photo from my mother's 10 pregnancies or the 12 pregnancies between my sisters and me.
That settles it then.
There also exist no photos of you, your mother, or your sisters with any child as a newborn infant, year-old baby, or 2- to 3-year-old toddler, either.
Not a single one. Right?
Pretty hard to believe. Still, I don't know you; maybe none of you have ever had a photograph taken, ever. Maybe your entire family is just congenitally photo-shy. And that's perfectly OK.
I can tell you, MOST people do take pictures of their newborns and little kids. A few, anyway.
Not zero.
The fact that absolutely ZERO such photos exist—of people with children and with money to afford a smartphone or camera like these lawyers, the Fauxbamas—is EXTREMELY bizarre and suspect.