40- 50 Items? Thats rookie numbers! How about CIA using escaped Nazis to invent cold fusion AND set up the cocaine trade in South America, The US Corporation founded in 1871, Continuity of Government due to National emergency derailing the government, the Titanic sinking to assist in the creation of the Federal Reserve, Martin Bormann being extracted from Berlin by British commandos in 1945, FDR being a Communist plant, Obama being a gay man married to a trans man who's education was funded by an evil Saudi prince that was deposed in a coup by a white hat Saudi prince, and a President that walked ahead of the Queen of England for the first time in history (DJT), there are shots heard from within the Vatican and the power goes out, Hilary Clinton has had over forty friends commit suicide, Joe Biden claims to have gotten 81 million votes running a campaign from his basement and can't string together a sentence or draw a crowd larger than a basketball team, John McCains daughter slips and admits he was killed on national tv, Ukraine is a kleptocracy sucking the west dry and Bill Gates wants us to eat lab grown meat.
But everything's fine, take the vax and watch CNN, transphobe.
Those who know cannot sleep.
40- 50 Items? Thats rookie numbers! How about CIA using escaped Nazis to invent cold fusion AND set up the cocaine trade in South America, The US Corporation fou nded in 1871, Continuity of Government due to National emergency derailing the government, the Titanic sinking to assist in the creation of the Federal Reserve, Martin Bormann being extracted from Berlin by British commados in 1945, FDR being a Communist plant, Obama being a gay man married to a trans man who's education was funded by an evil Saudi prince that was deposed in a coup by a white hat Saudi prince, and a President that walked ahead of the Queen of England for the first time in history (DJT), there are shots heard from within the Vatican and the power goes out, Hilary Clinton has had over forty friends commit suicide, Joe Biden claims to have gotten 81 million votes running a campaign from his basement and can't string together a sentence or draw a crowd larger than a basketbalk team, John McCains daughter slips and admits he was killed on national tv, Ukraine is kleptocracy sucking the west dry and Bill Gates wants us to eat lab grown meat.
But everything's fine, take the vax and watch CNN you transphobe.
Those who know cannot sleep.