Reason: spelling
Research and consider preterism as your eschatology instead of dispensationalism. It will change your life and your outlook for the future in a positive way. For an expample, Matthew 24.
- Jesus is leaving the temple. The disciples point out the buildings. Jesus states that the temple will be destroyed.
- The disciples ask when it will happen and about the end of the age. "The age" being the age of the law and the temple cultus system. The Jews believed in two ages, the age of Moses and the Law and the Age of Messiah.
- Jesus gives many signs to observe before the temple and Jerusalem are destroyed.
- Matthew 24:34 Jesus gives the time period. "This generation will not pass away until ALL these things take place."
- True to His word, within that generation in 70 AD, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by Titus and the Roman army. Thus bringing an end to the age.
- From Jesus to 70 ad, God was building His new Jerusalem and Temple. A city not made with hands, a spiritual kingdom, the Kingdom of God. The Apostles were the foundation, Jesus the cornerstone, first century saints the walls. 70 AD God chose whose side He was on.
- Now today, anyone can be part of the Kingdom of God by believing on Christ and following only two commands. Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the commands can be summed up in these two.
- There is no future rapture or physical coming of Christ. The earth is ours to make a better place for everyone.
1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original
Research and consider preterism as your eschatology instead of dispenstaionalism. It will change your life and your outlook for the future in a positive way. For an expample, Mathew 24.
- Jesus is leaving the temple. The disciples point out the buildings. Jesus states that the temple will be destroyed.
- The disciples ask when it will happen and about the end of the age. "The age" being the age of the law and the temple cultus system. The Jews believed in two ages, the age of Moses and the Law and the Age of Messiah.
- Jesus gives many signs to observe before the temple and Jerusalem are destroyed.
- Matthew 24:34 Jesus gives the time period. "This generation will not pass away until ALL these things take place."
- True to His word, within that generation in 70 AD, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by Titus and the Roman army. Thus bringing an end to the age.
- From Jesus to 70 ad, God was building His new Jerusalem and Temple. A city not made with hands, a spiritual kingdom, the Kingdom of God. The Apostles were the foundation, Jesus the cornerstone, first century saints the walls. 70 AD God chose whose side He was on.
- Now today, anyone can be part of the Kingdom of God by believing on Christ and following only two commands. Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the commands can be summed up in these two.
- There is no future rapture or physical coming of Christ. The earth is ours to make a better place for everyone.
1 year ago
1 score