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My understanding with those trying to work with this manufactured crisis in people's blood is that the straight answer is... they don't know. It is hard to come up with treatments when the problem is not identified. We still don't know what the hell we are actually dealing with - especially if it is some Frankenstein creation or new tech. So far it has been a process of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Supplements alone are not clearing this crap - whatever the hell it is. Everyone at this point is trying various different treatment modalities and so far nothing is yielding good long lasting results - especially among the vaxxed. They are having more success in treating the unvaxxed that have been contaminated. EDTA chelation therapy seems to clean the blood fairly well. But, if the exposure is not removed, then a person can become contaminated again - within 24hrs. Dr Ana has expressed her frustration at trying to treat people with messed up blood. They have never seen this before. I have not seen any blood analysis pics from Kelly or the others, of the unvaxxed having these weird looking "creatures." So far, it seems to be limited to the jabbed.

277 days ago
4 score
Reason: Original

My understanding with those trying to work with this manufactured crisis in people's blood is that the straight answer is... they don't know. It is hard to come up with treatments when the problem is not identified. We still don't know what the hell we are actually dealing with - especially if it is some Frankenstein creation or new tech. So it so far has been a process of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Supplements alone are not clearing this crap - whatever the hell it is. Everyone at this point is trying various different treatment modalities and so far nothing is yielding good long lasting results - especially among the vaxxed. They are having more success in treating the unvaxxed that have been contaminated. EDTA chelation therapy seems to clean the blood fairly well. But, if the exposure is not removed, then a person can become contaminated again - within 24hrs. Dr Ana has expressed her frustration at trying to treat people with messed up blood. They have never seen this before. I have not seen any blood analysis pics from Kelly or the others, of the unvaxxed having these weird looking "creatures." So far, it seems to be limited to the jabbed.

278 days ago
1 score