You are speaking of the most pervasive racial supremacists on earth. Jan 'Wenner' is a variation of 'Weiner', which is a common name in the community and masters for using projection.... Every now and then, .. and its predictable, there's a slip up of overt hubris and chutzpah. Wenner will take this public slap-on-the-hands as a message and will be told to vacation on a beach somewhere for a while until things cool off. Afterwards, he'll be plugged into another gig in the all controlled media market.
You are speaking of the most pervasive racial supremacists on earth. Jan 'Wenner' is a variation of 'Weiner', which is a common name in the community. and master of using projection.... Every now and then, they get sloppy. Wenner will take the slap-on-the-hands as a message and will be told to vacation on a beach somewhere for a while until things cool off. Afterwards, he'll be plugged into another gig in the all controlled media market.