I follow Russia's activities closely through Telegram and also checked RT. There is nothing about stopping gasoline or diesel.
Here is the Bloomberg link: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-21/russia-temporarily-limits-diesel-and-gasoline-exports?
*Russia temporarily banned exports of diesel in a bid to stabilize domestic supplies, driving European prices higher in already tight global fuel markets.
So far this year, Russia was the world’s single biggest seaborne exporter of diesel-type fuel, narrowly ahead of the US, according to Vortexa data compiled by Bloomberg. The country shipped more than 1 million barrels a day during January to mid-September, with Turkey, Brazil and Saudi Arabia being among the main destinations.
The ban, which also applies to gasoline, comes into force on Sept. 21, and doesn’t have a final date, according to the government decree.*
Update: Now RT has it: https://www.rt.com/business/583355-russia-restricts-fuel-exports/
I follow Russia's activities closely through Telegram and also checked RT. There is nothing about stopping gasoline or diesel.
Here is the Bloomberg link: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-21/russia-temporarily-limits-diesel-and-gasoline-exports?
*Russia temporarily banned exports of diesel in a bid to stabilize domestic supplies, driving European prices higher in already tight global fuel markets.
So far this year, Russia was the world’s single biggest seaborne exporter of diesel-type fuel, narrowly ahead of the US, according to Vortexa data compiled by Bloomberg. The country shipped more than 1 million barrels a day during January to mid-September, with Turkey, Brazil and Saudi Arabia being among the main destinations.
The ban, which also applies to gasoline, comes into force on Sept. 21, and doesn’t have a final date, according to the government decree.*
I follow Russia's activities closely through Telegram and also checked RT. There is nothing about stopping oil.
Here is the Bloomberg link: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-21/russia-temporarily-limits-diesel-and-gasoline-exports?
*Russia temporarily banned exports of diesel in a bid to stabilize domestic supplies, driving European prices higher in already tight global fuel markets.
So far this year, Russia was the world’s single biggest seaborne exporter of diesel-type fuel, narrowly ahead of the US, according to Vortexa data compiled by Bloomberg. The country shipped more than 1 million barrels a day during January to mid-September, with Turkey, Brazil and Saudi Arabia being among the main destinations.
The ban, which also applies to gasoline, comes into force on Sept. 21, and doesn’t have a final date, according to the government decree.*
I follow Russia's activities closely through Telegram and also checked RT. There is nothing about stopping oil.
Here is the Bloomberg link: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-21/russia-temporarily-limits-diesel-and-gasoline-exports?