I just know this weird fucker sounds like a particularly slimy televangelist and I trust him a commensurate amount.
He is even doing it in this pic, look at his weird, shinny, basketball head spewing fake vitriol.
He is someone's muppet even if he is deep, deep, double, cross-my-heart undercover and he has the charisma of a sucking chest wound to boot.
I just know this weird fucker sounds like a particularly slimy televangelist and I trust him a commensurate amount.
He is even doing it in this pic, look at his weird, shinny, basketball head spewing fake vitriol.
He is someone's muppet even if he is deep, deep, double, cross-my-heart undercover and he has the charisma of a sucking chest wound.
I just know this weird fucker sounds like a particularly slimy televangelist and I trust him a commensurate amount.
He is even doing it in this pic, look at his weird, shinny, basketball head spewing fake vitriol.
He is someone's muppet even if he is deep, deep, double, cross my heart undercover and he has the charisma of a sucking chest wound.