None of us should. But I have lied. I have turned my back on people warning me because some Hollywood star said it was right. Never paid attention and if I did talked myself out of doing something about it out of fear. I have been indoctrinated, poisoned and mislead by people I was programed to trust. I am not guilty of the large but there is enough smaller things. But I do not know everything about my life, and the life of the universe. I do create karma, good or bad, by what I think, say or do.
None of us should. But I have lied. I have turned my back on people warning me because some Hollywood star said it was right. Never paid attention and if I did talked myself out of doing something about it out of fear. I have been indoctrinated, poisoned and mislead by people I was programed to trust. I am not guilty of the large but there is enough smaller things. I create karma, good or bad, by what I think, say or do.
None of us should.