We need everyone off the Doom Train and back onto the TRUMP TRAIN.
No more blackpilling, hopelessness, and whiny complaining. We need the morale we had in 2016. Don't dampen it with your doom vibe.
The mission for digital soldiers to wake up as many as possible was always leading to the singular moment of the 2024 election and helping to win it in a landslide of unriggable proportions.
Yes, the plan is to VOTE HARDER. That is EXACTLY how we win. Voting as hard as we can, overwhelming the rigged system. That is the BEST way to win - with an overwhelming number of LEGITIMATE VOTES against their FAKE VOTES. That is what Trump just told us to do. Do it, and get an many people as you can to #VOTEHARDERFTW
We need everyone off the Doom Train and back onto the TRUMP TRAIN.
No more blackpilling, hopelessness, and whiny complaining.
The mission for digital soldiers to wake up as many as possible was always leading to the singular moment of the 2024 election and helping to win it in a landslide of unriggable proportions.
Yes, the plan is to VOTE HARDER. That is EXACTLY how we win. Voting as hard as we can, overwhelming the rigged system. That is the BEST way to win - with an overwhelming number of LEGITIMATE VOTES against their FAKE VOTES. That is what Trump just told us to do. Do it, and get an many people as you can to #VOTEHARDERFTW
We need everyone off the Doom Train and back onto the Trump Train.
No more blackpilling, hopelessness, and whiny complaining.
The mission for digital soldiers to wake up as many as possible was always leading to the singular moment of the 2024 election and helping to win it in a landslide of unriggable proportions.
Yes, the plan is to VOTE HARDER. That is EXACTLY how we win. Voting as hard as we can, overwhelming the rigged system. That is the BEST way to win - with an overwhelming number of LEGITIMATE VOTES against their FAKE VOTES. That is what Trump just told us to do. Do it, and get an many people as you can to #VOTEHARDERFTW