Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west, generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes/Khanates were related, just like today) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west, generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes/Khanates were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west, generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but there are quite a few noted connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and took up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but there are quite a few noted connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea after the Roman diaspora, and took up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but there are quite a few noted connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world through history by following these phenotypes in the leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
SCYTHIA, The northern parts of Europe and Asia were anciently so called, which afterwards obtained the name of Tartary.
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Of the Scythians or Tartars and the ancient Moguls...
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes were related) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world through history by following these phenotypes in the leadership class. For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians. The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.