Yesterday I was shown a video from a plane fag @Mr.Haleman on tic tok. Talking about German military defense contractor leer jet doing daily maneuvers in San Diego area for the last two weeks then took a detour & flew a u-turn over Shasta Dam and something about being part of SATD (Society for aerial target display). The talk on FB included plane sitings over Canada & some chatter from TX. I don’t do FB or TT & have no link to provide but thought it might be of interest if someone wants to look into this further. Watch the water?
Yesterday I was shown a video from a plane fag @Mr.Haleman on tic tok. Talking about German military defense contractor leer jet doing daily maneuvers in San Diego area for the last two weeks then took a detour & flew a u-turn over Shasta Dam and something about being part of SATD (Society for aerial target display). The talk on FB included plane sitings over Canada & some chatter from TX. I don’t do FB or TT & have no link to provide but thought it might be of interest if someone wants to look into this further. Watch the water?