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Your words are exciting and have prompted me to respond!

Same way they went after Madison Cawthorn when he started telling everyone about the coke parties and hookers.

I think we all wanted to believe the dirt that Cawthorne came back to hand us from the "inside" but personally I now find it a tad challenging after they unearthed so many of his own skeletons in rapid succession and I now speculate he may have been lying to drum up popularity. Especially because "coke parties and hookers" and faceless power players in Congress doing casual bumps of marching powders off the valet key to their rental Acura IS a tantalizing tale - but ultimately one that a 20-something would EASILY dream up if it won him sincere approval from the 'folks back home.'

I know they piled onto him hard AFTER those claims arose, but there may have already been issues on the internal level ongoing. By giving a 'tell all confession' he might've sought to preemptively strike against some personal problems already coming down the pike for him, but instead of getting the hour on Oprah Winfrey Network he expected, he drove the allegations aginst himself aground into the media instead.

Jake Tapper took one look at that and said, "Psssh, shut up kid. You weren't there when WE were doing key bumps in the parking garage!" 🤣

Despite this spurious decision by media at large to reject his contentions and foist the retaliation onto him so heavily, it should be noted that some GOOD GUY GREG TYPES like Charles Kirk have cast out their support for him and publicly regale him as a good young man and leader. This, of course, does NOT jibe with the portrait painted of him publicly and while I carry a strong modicum of respect for the young celebrity newsman of Real America's Voice, I must question how well he knows Madison and/or if he's BEEN FOOLED AGIN (Daltrey style 😁)

And I do know his district of North Carolina and those are good folk, but also could've been hoodwinked by a wheelchair and a young male vibrato. It's all so terribly inconclusive - but WHATEVER THE REALITY WAS, you can say with TOTAL CERTAINTY that Cawthorne was HIGHLY UNPREPARED for the OPPOSITION HE WOULD FACE after he LEVELED SUCH ACCUSATIONS. Gotta have your ducks in a row, young fella - or another way it has been said:

"Come for the king, you best not miss." (in reference to Omar - The Wire, R.I.P. Michael K. Williams)

Matt Gaetz, however, being some years senior to Cawthorne, and a veteran of Congress, is a different beast entirely. Let's move ahead.

They'll do everything they can to make Gaetz look like a narcissistic prima donna who isn't "humble enough

Two things here.

  1. His physical appearance, unfortunately for him, does that already.

  2. Haven't they already tried this?

Yes and yes.

I too was at one point struck by Gaetz's appearance and distinctive smirk, which sadly screams CON MAN! Fortunately for me, I was able to listen to his words with rapt attention and parse them with care and detail; unfortunately for Gaetz, several members of my own family shared with me in years past that they hated Donald Trump because they didn't "like his face... he LOOKS like SUCH A LIAR" and that litmus test alone encouraged their final decision on where to attach their vote.

Newsflash: people can LOOK like an asshole and NOT BE ONE.

Similarly, many an ugly, ho-hum sadsack turns out to be a stone killer. (SEE: Jerry from Rick & Morty, Gerald Ford, Carter, William Hung [just kidding... or am I?] et. al.) In fact, within the world of politics this is OFTEN the case. American politics after all is just Hollywood for ugly people.

Gaetz can't help looking a bit shiesty and debonair; but the shitbrained CSPAN caller types (Louis, Democrat from New Mexico, you're on the air - now make our ears bleed PLEASE!) will take one glance at some William H. Macy type motherfucker and VOTE HIM RIGHT INTO OFFICE, even as he collects ALL THEIR MONEY to spend on liquor and pisses his pants asleep on the carpet of the Oval Office - Frank was too drunk to make it over to the chair, said the SECRET SERVICE morning memo!

Part 2.

Gaetz has mentioned a bunch recently he considers himself "the most investigated man in the Congress" (more on THIS later) and its quite true that he has been SERIOUSLY embattled until just recently. Some very horrid allegations were leveled against him, and he's made it through them - despite a like-minded desire by both heads of the Janus Uniparty which controls D.C. and our once great land to chew him up and spit him out.


WTF!?!? YUCK! Doesn't he just want to get FILTHY FACKIN' RICH like the rest of us? What's he into? Asian kids, or some shit!? Maybe we could stick him together with that pencil neck Schi-

Excuse me, I got lost a bit there. Point is, he's TOO STOIC and OATHBOUND to be knocked off the trail by temptations, and the good fortune of having already had some family wealth to make him secure in his personal finances enables him to lean into a populist bent, where he is exceeded ONLY by Trump. No lobbyist dealmaking or donations here; just good old fashioned constituent representation....

.. That has GOT TO piss them off. There's no obvious way to buy him off, and he has too much virtue to be scandalized into obscurity (so far at least)

some boring bag of hammers that's easily controlled

Man I just can't get DeSantis and all his weird assed second debate faces out of my mind, when I read this 🤣😭

Basically, they aren't going to "remove him from Congress" physically, just burn down his rep, his fortune, and his support structure until he either decides to quit or gets replaced.


Gaetz, in spite of his (mostly physical) flaws, seems to be a doggedly determined opponent to the Uniparty horse shit and has been successful at drumming up AUTHENTIC OPPOSITION to its continuance in the Washington swamp.

This, of course, has inspired near universal hatred for him and his small flock - now rearing its ugly head and roaring back at him louder than ever.

So for those that ponder if BOTH McCarthy AND Gaetz are working hand in glove with Trump, I present the following for your consideration. What if the ENTIRE GOAL of these fights is to eventually show how DEMS, RINOS and the MEDIA MACHINE OF THE 🤡 In America and Washington will go in efforts to SMEAR AND SMOTHER someone like Matt Gaetz??

What if, like Trump, he is someone who has such a spotless and unquestionable record that he MUST BE marked for INDICTMENT?

Would that not PROVE WITH FINALITY the awful and wretched means by which McCarthy and the Uniparty team FORCE THEIR WAY in the D.C. swamp, and what will happen to those who oppose, though their goals be noble?

I like that last bit, a little poetic and rhythmic even, eh folks?!? 😉

This is where it gets interesting, in any case. The Empire has struck back and gotten its wishes - for now at least. Lets watch how the American people respond in upcoming Republican primaries and the more localized races where the fight to choose who goes to Washington to represent their interests is a more evenly matched battle. Lets see how much more rigged it NEEDS to be to retain the Evil Empire's balance of power. Losses are teachers after all - if you don't win, you learn - and America is learning A WHOLE LOT in these few years.

Godspeed and thank you for reading!



256 days ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Your words are exciting and have prompted me to respond!

Same way they went after Madison Cawthorn when he started telling everyone about the coke parties and hookers.

I think we all wanted to believe the dirt that Cawthorne came back to hand us from the "inside" but personally I now find it a tad challenging after they unearthed so many of his own skeletons in rapid succession and I now speculate he may have been lying to drum up popularity. Especially because "coke parties and hookers" and faceless power players in Congress doing casual bumps of marching powders off the valet key to their rental Acura IS a tantalizing tale - but ultimately one that a 20-something would EASILY dream up if it won him sincere approval from the 'folks back home.'

I know they piled onto him hard AFTER those claims arose, but there may have already been issues on the internal level that were ongoing. By giving a 'tell all confession' he might've sought to preemptively strike against some personal problems already coming down the pike for him, but instead of getting the hour on Oprah Winfrey Network he expected, he drove the allegations aginst himself aground into the media instead.

Jake Tapper took one look at that and said, "Psssh, shut up kid. You weren't there when WE were doing key bumps in the parking garage!" 🤣

Despite this spurious decision by media at large to reject his contentions and foist the retaliation onto him so heavily, it should be noted that some GOOD GUY GREG TYPES like Charles Kirk have cast out their support for him and publicly regale him as a good young man and leader. This, of course, does NOT jibe with the portrait painted of him publicly and while I carry a strong modicum of respect for the young man of Real America's Voice newsman celebrity, I must question how well he knows Madison and/or if he's BEEN FOOLED AGIN (Daltrey style 😁)

And I do know his district of North Carolina and those are good folk, but also could've been hoodwinked by a wheelchair and a young male vibrato. It's all so terribly inconclusive - but WHATEVER THE REALITY WAS, you can say with TOTAL CERTAINTY that Cawthorne was HIGHLY UNPREPARED for the OPPOSITION HE WOULD FACE after he LEVELED SUCH ACCUSATIONS. Gotta have your ducks in a row, young fella - or another way it has been said:

"Come for the king, you best not miss." (reference to Omar - The Wire, R.I.P. Michael K. Williams)

Matt Gaetz, however, being some years senior to Cawthorne, and a veteran of Congress, is a different beast entirely. Let's move ahead.

They'll do everything they can to make Gaetz look like a narcissistic prima donna who isn't "humble enough

Two things here.

  1. His physical appearance, unfortunately for him, does that already.

  2. Haven't they already tried this?

Yes and yes.

I too was at one point struck by Gaetz's appearance and distinctive smirk, which sadly screams CON MAN! Fortunately for me, I was able to listen to his words with rapt attention and parse them with care and detail; unfortunately for Gaetz, several members of my own family shared with me in years past that they hated Donald Trump because they didn't "like his face... he LOOKS like SUCH A LIAR" and that litmus test alone encouraged their final decision on where to attach their vote.

Newsflash: people can LOOK like an asshole and NOT BE ONE.

Similarly, many an ugly, ho-hum sadsack turns out to be a stone killer. (SEE: Jerry from Rick & Morty, Gerald Ford, Carter, William Hung [just kidding... or am I?] et. al.) In fact, within the world of politics this is OFTEN the case. American politics after all is just Hollywood for ugly people.

Gaetz can't help looking a bit shiesty and debonair; but the shitbrained CSPAN caller types (Louis, Democrat from New Mexico, you're on the air - now make our ears bleed PLEASE!) will take one glance at some William H. Macy type motherfucker and VOTE HIM RIGHT INTO OFFICE, even as he collects ALL THEIR MONEY to spend on liquor and pisses his pants asleep on the carpet of the Oval Office - Frank was too drunk to make it over to the chair, said the SECRET SERVICE morning memo!

Part 2.

Gaetz has mentioned a bunch recently he considers himself "the most investigated man in the Congress" (more on THIS later) and its quite true that he has been SERIOUSLY embattled until just recently. Some very horrid allegations were leveled against him, and he's made it through them - despite a like-minded desire by both heads of the Janus Uniparty which controls D.C. and our once great land to chew him up and spit him out.


WTF!?!? YUCK! Doesn't he just want to get FILTHY FACKIN' RICH like the rest of us? What's he into? Asian kids, or some shit!? Maybe we could stick him together with that pencil neck Schi-

Excuse me, I got lost a bit there. Point is, he's TOO STOIC and OATHBOUND to be knocked off the trail by temptations, and the good fortune of having already had some family wealth to make him secure in his personal finances enables him to lean into a populist bent, where he is exceeded ONLY by Trump. No lobbyist dealmaking or donations here; just good old fashioned constituent representation....

.. That has GOT TO piss them off. There's no obvious way to buy him off, and he has too much virtue to be scandalized into obscurity (so far at least)

some boring bag of hammers that's easily controlled

Man I just can't get DeSantis and all his weird assed second debate faces out of my mind, when I read this 🤣😭

Basically, they aren't going to "remove him from Congress" physically, just burn down his rep, his fortune, and his support structure until he either decides to quit or gets replaced.


Gaetz, in spite of his (mostly physical) flaws, seems to be a doggedly determined opponent to the Uniparty horse shit and has been successful at drumming up AUTHENTIC OPPOSITION to its continuance in the Washington swamp.

This, of course, has inspired near universal hatred for him and his small flock - now rearing its ugly head and roaring back at him louder than ever.

So for those that ponder if BOTH McCarthy AND Gaetz are working hand in glove with Trump, I present the following for your consideration. What if the ENTIRE GOAL of these fights is to eventually show how DEMS, RINOS and the MEDIA MACHINE OF THE 🤡 In America and Washington will go in efforts to SMEAR AND SMOTHER someone like Matt Gaetz??

What if, like Trump, he is someone who has such a spotless and unquestionable record that he MUST BE marked for INDICTMENT?

Would that not PROVE WITH FINALITY the awful and wretched means by which McCarthy and the Uniparty team FORCE THEIR WAY in the D.C. swamp, and what will happen to those who oppose, though their goals be noble?

I like that last bit, a little poetic and rhythmic even, eh folks?!? 😉

This is where it gets interesting, in any case. The Empire has struck back and gotten its wishes - for now at least. Lets watch how the American people respond in upcoming Republican primaries and the more localized races where the fight to choose who goes to Washington to represent their interests is a more evenly matched battle. Lets see how much more rigged it NEEDS to be to retain the Evil Empire's balance of power. Losses are teachers after all - if you don't win, you learn - and America is learning A WHOLE LOT in these few years.

Godspeed and thank you for reading!



256 days ago
1 score