I have been skeptical and dubious of Gaetz with a watchful side eye scowl for years since those allegations.
But there are two things to point out here that I think are significant. The allegations were launched by democrats, and he was never indicted. Secondly, he is not a democrat.
If a democrat was a child diddling, cross dressing, arsonist, tax avoiding, embezzler, I could understand there being no indictments or convictions, but an outspoken conservative Republican accused of jay walking would have been given life in prison if there was any proof.
Controlled opposition theory aside, If Gaetz had done it there is little doubt in my mind that he would have been crucified by now.
I have been skeptical and dubious of Gaetz with a watchful side eye scowl for years since those allegations.
But there are two things two point out here that I think are significant. The allegations were launched by democrats, and he was never indicted. Secondly, he is not a democrat.
If a democrat was a child diddling, cross dressing arsonist, tax avoiding embezzler, I could understand there being no indictments or convictions, but an outspoken conservative Republican accused of jay walking would have been given life in prison if there was any proof.