Oh the irony...
A story titled: Poll Delivers Bad News for COVID-19 Vaccine....
that is hosted on a website called: msn.com...
owned by a company called Microsoft...
Microsoft was started and is owned by a person called Bill Gates...
Bill Gates has heavily promoted Covid vaccines.
Oh the irony...
A story titled: Poll Delivers Bad News for COVID-19 Vaccine....
that is hosted on a website called: msn.com...
owned by a company called Microsoft...
Microsoft was started and is owned by Bill Gates...
Bill Gates has heavily promoted Covid vaccines.
Oh the irony...
A story titled: Poll Delivers Bad News for COVID-19 Vaccine....
that is hosted on a website called: msn.com...
owned by a company called Microsoft...
Microsoft was started and is owned by Bill Gates...
Bill Gates has heavily promoted Covid vacines.
Oh the irony...
A story titled: Poll Delivers Bad News for COVID-19 Vaccine....
that is hosted on a website called: msn.com...
owned by a company called Microsoft...
Microsoft was started and is owned by Bill Gates.