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hahahhaha. Uh, OK. Wood chipper. Keeping it humming. OK. Look, that put a smile on my face.


One concern I have here is that proportionally speaking, how much of the board takes the bullshit clickbait headlines apart, and how much of the board just upvotes, takes the fake news at face value (and possibly even then promotes it by linking on their social media etc?).

There are close to 400 upvotes for this post, 3 downvotes, and a bunch of comments. I'm wondering what portion of those 400 upvotes are from pedes who didn't discern the fake news nature of the headlines.

I love the idea of ripping garbage to shreds, and I and others will continue to point out the bullshite when The People's Voice rears its ugly head on GAW. I know that a sticky does NOT mean an endorsement and that sometimes our (great) mod team stickies content because its worth being put under scrutiny.

However, isn't there also a need to balance the advantages of posting garbage content for us to sharpen our teeth on and the disadvantages of inspiring a large number of pedes to swallow content that is deliberately designed to manipulate and deceive?

Proportionally, how many of our pedes actually just read the headline and upvoted fake news, vs. how many went into it to apply discernment?

Personally, I think this question is worth considering.

Hopefully, the discussion around how to deal with disinfo and clickbait can evolve. Personally, I think that clickbait and disinfo that targets us is a serious issue that needs a more serious response. For the 400 upvotes on GAW that this fake news TPV article post garners, how many hundreds of thousands of truth seekers out there are diverted and subverted by the TPV operation? How many disinfo operations are there targeting us - the whole Q community?

A pretty big issue in a 5G information war, imo.

But moving on. A well oiled machine needs a bit of fine tuning now and then. Hopefully this discussion can aid that process.

Note: GAW mode team rocks.

265 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

hahahhaha. Uh, OK. Wood chipper. Keeping it humming. OK. Look, that put a smile on my face.


The concern I have here is that proportionally speaking, how much of the board takes the bullshit clickbait headlines apart, and how much of the board just upvotes, takes the fake news at face value (and possibly even then promotes it by linking on their social media etc)?

There are close to 400 upvotes for this post, 3 downvotes, and a bunch of comments. I'm assuming that a large portion of those 400 upvotes are from pedes who didn't discern the fake news nature of the headlines. It's an assumption, but I think it's reasonable.

So that's my concern.

I love the idea of ripping garbage to shreds, and I and others will continue to point out the bullshite when The People's Voice rears its ugly head on GAW. I know that a sticky does NOT mean an endorsement and that sometimes our (great) mod team stickies content because its worth being put under scrutiny.

However, isn't there also a need to balance the advantages of posting garbage content for us to sharpen our teeth on and the disadvantages of inspiring a large number of pedes to swallow content that is deliberately designed to manipulate and deceive?

Proportionally, how many of our pedes actually just read the headline and upvoted fake news, vs. how many went into it to apply discernment?

Personally, I think this question is worth considering and discussing.

In any case, I appreciate the response, the sharing of the mod view here, and the opportunity to expand my (our?) thinking.

God bless the mod team. GAW is unique and anyone who makes it here is lucky, imo.

265 days ago
1 score