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Divide and conquer...

A game as old as time.

As I've said many times before, what's happening now across the earth, is a battle between good and evil.

When you shake it all down, filter out all the drama, bs, lies and deceit, it's all about good/God vs evil/absence of God.

Try it yourself and see what conclusion you come up with. It's helpful to observe symbols that are used when words are just more lies and deceit.

I've noticed divide and conquer tactics on this very board - especially when it comes to quoting hellbent on being "right" that they wind up flipping the proverbial bird to everything that Christ actually is. It's the pinnacle of ignorance and they out themselves as low vibration parrots.

In fact, there's very little Christ in their arguments about Jesus... and very few could tell you the difference between Jesus and Christ. So caught up in the mind... and zero regard for spirit. It's sad and cringe me anyway.

It's not much different than two countries arguing on who's religion is better. I can't even fully compute what it's like to be that retarded. I don't care what religion we're talking about... it's dumb. Keep that shit to yourself and respect other's right to keep theirs to themselves. It's a completely retarded concept to me... because it's all about "being right" - "We believe in chocolate" - "Oh yeah, well we believe in vanilla!" - "You must believe in chocolate as well or die!" - "Well we believe in strawberry"...

Then there's this fucked up genetic thing...the chosen bullshit, lineages and other body ID low vibration crap that doesn't matter - that takes you in the complete opposite direction of Spirit and Christ.

There's zero Spirit or God in ANY of them when ego takes the helm and starts condemning others for not believing the same crap they do. It's an old and tired song nobody wants to hear anymore - and it's been translated into every language imaginable. I'm so tired of hearing it wondering why others, clearly spiritually starving, haven't taken the off ramp yet and explored their actual spirit - rather than the IDEA of spirit after they're dead.

If ANY of these hardon zealots (of any religion) actually experienced true spiritual communion with God - they sure as hell wouldn't be bombing the shit out of each other or belittling each other over which version of the book is authentic, or arguing over the true name of God. It's all so very tiresome and really fucking lame at this point in the game. Grow the fuck up and learn to make Godly decisions - everyone on this rock.

Good vs evil. Which are you sowing?

Sorry (not sorry) - it needed to be said.

249 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Divide and conquer...

A game as old as time.

As I've said many times before, what's happening now across the earth, is a battle between good and evil.

When you shake it all down, filter out all the drama, bs, lies and deceit, it's all about good/God vs evil/absence of God.

Try it yourself and see what conclusion you come up with. It's helpful to observe symbols that are used when words are just more lies and deceit.

I've noticed divide and conquer tactics on this very board - especially when it comes to quoting hellbent on being "right" that they wind up flipping the proverbial bird to everything that Christ actually is. It's the pinnacle of ignorance and they out themselves as low vibration parrots.

In fact, there's very little Christ in their arguments about Jesus... and very few could tell you the difference between Jesus and Christ. So caught up in the mind... and zero regard for spirit. It's sad and cringe me anyway.

It's not much different than two countries arguing on who's religion is better. I can't even fully compute what it's like to be that retarded. I don't care what religion we're talking about... it's dumb. Keep that shit to yourself and respect other's right to keep theirs to themselves. It's a completely retarded concept to me... because it's all about "being right" - "We believe in chocolate" - "Oh yeah, well we believe in vanilla!" - "You must believe in chocolate as well or die!" - "Well we believe in strawberry"...

Then there's this fucked up genetic thing...the chosen bullshit, lineages and other body ID low vibration crap that doesn't matter - that takes you in the complete opposite direction of Spirit and Christ.

There's zero Spirit or God in ANY of them when ego takes the helm and starts condemning others for not believing the same crap they do. It's an old and tired song nobody wants to hear anymore - and it's been translated into every language imaginable. I'm so tired of hearing it wondering why others, clearly spiritually starving, haven't taken the off ramp yet and explored their actual spirit - rather than the idea of spirit after their dead.

If ANY of these hardon zealots (of any religion) actually experienced true spiritual communion with God - they sure as hell wouldn't be bombing the shit out of each other or belittling each other over which version of the book is authentic, or arguing over the true name of God. It's all so very tiresome and really fucking lame at this point in the game. Grow the fuck up and learn to make Godly decisions - everyone on this rock.

Good vs evil. Which are you sowing?

Sorry (not sorry) - it needed to be said.

249 days ago
1 score