I have. Of course I have. The problem is, it doesn't account for a great deal of evidence, rather it attempts to fit the evidence into the Biblical narrative by force.
The generally pushed ideas of that narrative ignore the evidence to fit an ideal of "Satan" that doesn't fit the Bible, yet purports to be within that belief system. Even the common Christian ideas of "Satan" (the adversary) or "the serpent" or "Lucifer" (very likely three different entities) aren't supported within the Bible itself, but were created by The Church (later known as the Catholic Church) centuries after Jesus' teachings. When you actually read the Bible, in Hebrew (from the Nag Hammadi or dead sea scrolls) you get a very different picture of these concepts than you get from the Latin Vulgate version created four centuries after Jesus where the modern Bibles come from. Those ideas have been completely fabricated by the Catholic Church, and all the evidence is right there, and no one looks.
That doesn't mean that the "serpent seed hypothesis" doesn't have any merit at all. It is entirely possible that there is alien (or otherwise "deity" manipulated/inserted) DNA that is a part of some people's make up, but The Source of All Things doesn't care about that. How could Source care? How could Source care more about some people than others?
Someone might care, some deity (other dimensional entity, angel, demon, "child" of God (Source), alien, whatever), but it's almost certainly not Source that makes such distinctions.
I have. Of course I have. The problem is, it doesn't account for a great deal of evidence, rather it attempts to fit the evidence into the Biblical narrative by force.
The generally pushed ideas of that narrative ignore the evidence to fit an ideal of "Satan" that doesn't fit the Bible, yet purports to be within that belief system. Even the common Christian ideas of "Satan" (the adversary) or "the serpent" or "Lucifer" (very likely three different entities) aren't supported within the Bible itself, but were created by The Church (later known as the Catholic Church) centuries after Jesus' teachings. When you actually read the Bible, in Hebrew (from the Nag Hammadi or dead sea scrolls) you get a very different picture of these concepts than you get from the Latin Vulgate version created four centuries after Jesus where the modern Bibles come from. Those ideas have been completely fabricated by the Catholic Church, and all the evidence is right there, and no one looks.
That doesn't mean that the "serpent seed hypothesis" doesn't have any merit at all. It is entirely possible that there is alien (or otherwise "deity" manipulated/inserted DNA) that is a part of some people's make up, but The Source of All Things doesn't care about that. How could Source care? How could Source care more about some people than others?
Someone might care, some deity (other dimensional entity, angel, demon, "child" of God (Source), alien, whatever), but it's almost certainly not Source that makes such distinctions.