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Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their genealogy, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well as non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

But they claimed to be. They said they were children of Abraham (again, genealogy). Jesus agreed that they WERE children of Abraham, but NOT of God.

Why would he say that? Abraham was God's favorite.

It is because of ... genealogy.

Those people were, in fact, descendants of Abraham, but NOT of the Jacob/Israel line, which means they were NOT Israelites.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was of no significance?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not mention black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their genealogy, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well as non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

But they claimed to be. They said they were children of Abraham (again, genealogy). Jesus agreed that they WERE children of Abraham, but NOT of God.

Why would he say that? Abraham was God's favorite.

It is because of ... genealogy.

Those people were, in fact, descendants of Abraham, but NOT of the Jacob/Israel line, which means they were NOT Israelites.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was of no significance?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their genealogy, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

But they claimed to be. They said they were children of Abraham (again, genealogy). Jesus agreed that they WERE children of Abraham, but NOT of God.

Why would he say that? Abraham was God's favorite.

It is because of ... genealogy.

Those people were, in fact, descendants of Abraham, but NOT of the Jacob/Israel line, which means they were NOT Israelites.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was of no significance?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their genealogy, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

But they claimed to be. They said they were children of Abraham (again, genealogy). Jesus agreed that they WERE children of Abraham, but NOT of God.

Why would he say that? Abraham was God's favorite.

It is because of ... genealogy.

Those people were, in fact, descendants of Abraham, but NOT of the Jacob/Israel line, which means they were NOT Israelites.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was no significant?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their genealogy, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was no significant?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their geneology, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was no significant?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their geneology, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- geneology.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.

That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.

The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was no significant?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their geneology, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- geneology.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that the jews were the Israelites, and at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about geneology.

No. The Bible is largely about geneology and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.

Why bother describing the family tree if it was no significant?

Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if geneology did not matter?

Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."

Why does the Bible not talk about black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?

There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.

It is not entirely about geneology, but geneology plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their geneology, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- geneology.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that the jews were the Israelites, and at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about geneology.

No. The Bible is largely about geneology and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their geneology, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- geneology.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that the jews were the Israelites, and at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about geneology.

No. The Bible is largely about geneology and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.

Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.

Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaut. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time.

I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.

Their father is the Devil because of their geneology, not their lack of belief.

Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- geneology.

The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research.

I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well has non-biblical records and history of the time.

"fake Judeans,"

The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.

One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that the jews were the Israelites, and at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about geneology.

No. The Bible is largely about geneology and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.

Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people.

Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.

Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel) is, in fact, an impossibility.

It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.

The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum).

Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.


It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.

The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors,

True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.

including the aftermath of World War II

Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.

and the Holocaust.

There was no Holocaut. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.

It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.

In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.

The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.

Interesting research, if you are interested.

I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.

262 days ago
1 score