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Reason: None provided.

Mental note:

For several days now, I have been experiencing a very powerful sense of spiritual intensity. Without going into details, there has been a LOT going on at home for months now, raising a variety of concerns and some anxiety.

However, since last week, the sense of tension and anxiety have been going through the roof. I had similar feelings several times in the past 10 years. One was during three days around the US election in 2016. The next time was around the US election in 2020. Once or twice, around other times.

The inner world is a subjective world, so its not always easy to identify where some of the sensations come from. However, based on years of experience exploring the inner world, my conclusion is this:

The whole planet is going through a massive spiritual battle. This was what I felt during the 2016 election. It was like mentally being able to see battalions and battalions of spiritual beings, like angels, saints, good people in the spiritual realm, all fighting and battling with battalions of other spiritual beings, like demons, dark spirits, evil forces. Two forces, pressed against each other, both vying for supremacy.

Imagine those artists' painting of Christ with his myriads, but all lined up against a similar swarm and myriad of evil spirits. This clash, this battle, manifests as a massive struggle, like an arm wrestle, with the all force and power at one man's disposal pressing against and battling all the force and power in the other man's arm, each wrestling for supremacy. Now multiple those forces by billions.

That interaction is like where we are at now. Incredible intensity, wrestling over the consciousness of humanity, attempting to rip it this way or that way. The result is incredible spiritual tension, like that of a massive storm, with chaos at the vortex.

This is what manifests as all the chaos, craziness and eruption both in emotions and in thought. In manifests in ideas being used to attack and psyop people, to incite hatred, fear, doubt, dooming, despair, horror, outrage, anger, violence in spirit and in action, but other ideas being communicated, to inspire patience, endurance, compassion and hope. And sadly, but understandably, in the midst of the tension and conflict, the fight-or-flight functions of many people are being triggered, carried along on the medium of ideas, thoughts, stories, 'news', concepts, until they erupt in harsh words, hard thoughts, intolerance and anger.

In such a state, in the midst of such a colossal spiritual battle, people feel the tension, anxiety, difficulty, even if they do not know exactly where it comes from. Like a colored light, it shapes the color, the tinge of everything people see. Propaganda, and influence, is being wielded like a weapon in order to destabilize humanity, to try to tip the cart that is being steadily, and securely, moved forward by hands that have the love of God behind them.

These are the results of a spiritual battle, being waged in realms that most of us can hardly imagine. Not just the war that has been going on since time immemorial. No, what is happening in our own era is the culmination of millenia of spiritual warfare, on the foundation of millions and millions of battles along the way.

At least, this is the mental image that comes to my mind. It helps me to explain a lot of what I am sensing. Yes, it all manifests in the material realm via news, ideas, actions, conflicts, stories and reactions, but all these are just that: manifestations. The outer side of the inner coin.

I'm sharing this because after grappling with these sensations over the past few days, and noticing all the upheaval (including polarization) that is manifesting online and here at my favorite watering hole GAW, and in 'the news', and in the streets, I've decided that internally, I'm going to take 3 or four days off.

I'm not going to engage in the chaos I see, to express my strong opinions on this issue or that issue, or to worry or fret over what might happen or what might not, etc. I'm going to be calm in the midst of the storm. I'm not going to lurch towards any conclusions, and I'm not going to adopt any hard or strong opinions on what is happening, or who might be doing what.

(There will be plenty of time for analysis or conclusions in days, weeks, months to come.)

Because to me, it is ALL a manifestation of the battle I feel being waged in the spiritual realms. And having observed several such battles in recent decades, as I've mentioned, I feel confident in the conviction that the storm will pass, the sun will shine, and humanity will indeed be closer to our promised land, to that state of the world where God is Lord over humanity, not simply in the potential, but in the manifestation.

I love humanity, and I often pray for ALL humanity. I can see a lot of chaos, hurt, anguish and distress all around, in the upheavals currently underway. But the pain that the world is experiencing is, in my hope and conviction, the pain that one feels when a deep, toxic barb, a poisonous thorn that has long been buried in the flesh, is withdrawn and taken out. It is painful, indeed. But it is a pain that is part of the process of removing the poison and the potential for health being restored.

With that optimistic vision in mind, I've decided I'm going to observe the comings and goings, but do it while mentally taking a few steps back. By watching and reflecting. Not because I do not care, but because I do care. And if the world is 'freaking out' and going bananas, well, that's OK. Because I'm going to be someone who doesn't take the bait, someone who can rest and lean into my sense of conviction that all of this will eventually pass.

On that note, I am encouraged by HOW many anons are adopting a dispassionate or non-reactive stance, by how many pedes are emphasizing, for example, to NOT take sides, to not swallow with psyops (whatever one imagines them to be), and just be more.... aware.

Sure, there is that usual upheaval in our community when pedes voice very strong opinions. As is usual at such times. But in the midst of that, I feel like there is a powerful undercurrent of anon-awakeism. Of NOT being ruled by the chaos, or the emotions, or the ideas, but a more aware, detached, faithful attitude. Being the calm inside the storm. Maybe Q trained us well. Or we did. Or God did. Anyway, someone did.

That said, while I'm encouraged by that thought, I'm still going to disengage on a certain level. I thought to myself (should I take 3 days off from GAW?) But in asking that question, I realize that that what I want to take time off from is not GAW or the information or the flowing data, etc. But to take a few days off from the chaos being experienced internally by a world that is in turmoil. To be in it, but not of it.

Because I also hold the conviction, and determination, that in the colossal struggle currently taking place, if there is one, and I'm picking that up correctly, then spiritually, the outcome has already been decided. It's just that, decided or not, it STILL must be done. Saying the war was won before it began doesn't mean there is no war. It just means, the deciding factors are set, and then it needs to be .... manifest.

Because evil had such a grip on us. For all our history, for millenia. But also because, with each battle, each step, that grip is being pried off of us, and our enslavers are being forced, yes forced, to let go. To let go. To let go. Eventually, their grip will be nothing more than an irritation, to be brushed away as we go about the business of creating a healthy world.

So, if I don't see you in the interim, well, just know, it's been glorious, and I'll see you on the other side!


350 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

Mental note:

For several days now, I have been experiencing a very powerful sense of spiritual intensity. Without going into details, there has been a LOT going on at home for months now, raising a variety of concerns and some anxiety.

However, since last week, the sense of tension and anxiety have been going through the roof. I had similar feelings several times in the past 10 years. One was during three days around the US election in 2016. The next time was around the US election in 2020. Once or twice, around other times.

The inner world is a subjective world, so its not always easy to identify where some of the sensations come from. However, based on years of experience exploring the inner world, my conclusion is this:

The whole planet is going through a massive spiritual battle. This was what I felt during the 2016 election. It was like mentally being able to see battalions and battalions of spiritual beings, like angels, saints, good people in the spiritual realm, all fighting and battling with battalions of other spiritual beings, like demons, dark spirits, evil forces. Two forces, pressed against each other, both vying for supremacy.

Imagine those artists' painting of Christ with his myriads, but all lined up against a similar swarm and myriad of evil spirits. This clash, this battle, manifests as a massive struggle, like an arm wrestle, with the all force and power at one man's disposal pressing against and battling all the force and power in the other man's arm, each wrestling for supremacy. Now multiple those forces by billions.

That interaction is like where we are at now. Incredible intensity, wrestling over the consciousness of humanity, attempting to rip it this way or that way. The result is incredible spiritual tension, like that of a massive storm, with chaos at the vortex.

This is what manifests as all the chaos, craziness and eruption both in emotions and in thought. In manifests in ideas being used to attack and psyop people, to incite hatred, fear, doubt, dooming, despair, horror, outrage, anger, violence in spirit and in action, but other ideas being communicated, to inspire patience, endurance, compassion and hope. And sadly, but understandably, in the midst of the tension and conflict, the fight-or-flight functions of many people are being triggered, carried along on the medium of ideas, thoughts, stories, 'news', concepts, until they erupt in harsh words, hard thoughts, intolerance and anger.

In such a state, in the midst of such a colossal spiritual battle, people feel the tension, anxiety, difficulty, even if they do not know exactly where it comes from. Like a colored light, it shapes the color, the tinge of everything people see.

This is the result of a spiritual war, being waged in realms that most of us can hardly imagine. Not just the war that has been going on since time immemorial. No, what is happening in our own era is the culmination of millenia of spiritual warfare, on the foundation of millions and millions of battles along the way. The future of humanity is being shaped, and decided.

At least, this is the mental image that comes to my mind, and helps me to explain a lot of what I am sensing. yes, it all manifests in the material realm via news, ideas, actions, conflicts, stories and reactions, but all these are just that: manifestations. The outer side of the inner coin.

I'm sharing this because after grappling with these sensations over the past few days, and noticing all the upheaval (including polarization) that is manifesting online and here at my favorite watering hole GAW, and in 'the news', I've decided that internally, I'm going to take 3 or four days off.

I'm not going to engage in the chaos I see, to express my strong opinions on this issue or that issue, or to worry or fret over what might happen or what might not, etc. I'm going to calm in the midst of this storm. I'm not going to lurch towards any conclusions, and I'm not going to adopt any hard or strong opinions on what is happening, or who might be doing what. (There will be plenty of time for analysis or conclusions in days, weeks, months to come.)

Because to me, it is ALL a manifestation of the battle I see waging in the spiritual realms. And having observed these in recent decades, as I've mentioned, I feel very confident in the conviction that this storm will pass, the sun will shine, and humanity will be a lot of steps closer to our promised land, to that state of being where God is Lord over us, not simply in potential, but in manifestation.

I love humanity, and I often pray for ALL humanity. I can see a lot of chaos, hurt, anguish and distress all around, in the upheavals currently underway. But the pain that the world is experiencing is, in my hope and conviction, the pain that someone feels when a deep and toxic barb, a thorn that has been long buried in the flesh, is withdrawn and taken out. It is painful, indeed. But it is a pain that is part of the process of removing the poison and being restored to health.

With that optimistic vision in mind, I'm going to observe the comings and goings, but I'm going to take a few steps back, and watch. Not because I do not care, but because I do care. And if the world is 'freaking out' and going bananas, well, I'm going to be someone who doesn't take the bait. Who can rest and lean into my sense of conviction that all of this will some time pass.

On that note, I am very encouraged by HOW many anons are taking a dispassionate or non-reactive stance. How many pedes are emphasizing to NOT take sides, to not swallow with psyops (whatever one imagines them to be).

There is that usual upheaval of our community voicing very strong opinions, as usual. But in the midst of that, I feel like there is a powerful undercurrent of anon-awakeism. Of NOT being ruled by the chaos, or the emotions, or the ideas, but a more aware, detached, faithful attitude. Being the calm inside the storm.

But while I'm encouraged by that, I'm also going to disengage on a certain level. I thought, (should I take 3 days off from GAW?) But I realize that what I want to take time off from is not GAW or the information or the flowing data, etc. But to take a few days off from the chaos of a world that is in turmoil.

Because I also hold the conviction, and determination, that in the colossal struggle currently taking place, spiritually, the outcome has already been decided. It's just that, decided or not, it STILL must be done. Because evil had such a grip on us, for all our history, for millenia. But with each battle, each step, that grip is being pried off of us, and our enslavers are being forced, yes forced, to let go. To let go. To let go.

If I don't see you in the interim, well, just know, it's been glorious, and I'll see you on the other side!


350 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Mental note:

For several days now, I have been experiencing a very powerful sense of spiritual intensity. Without going into details, there has been a LOT going on at home for months now, raising a variety of concerns and some anxiety.

However, since last week, the sense of tension and anxiety have been going through the roof. I had similar feelings several times in the past 10 years. One was during three days around the US election in 2016. The next time was around the US election in 2020. Once or twice, around other times.

The inner world is a subjective world, so its not always easy to identify where some of the sensations come from. However, based on years of experience exploring the inner world, my conclusion is this:

The whole planet is going through a massive spiritual battle. This was what I felt during the 2016 election. It was like mentally being able to see battalions and battalions of spiritual beings, like angels, saints, good people in the spiritual realm, all fighting and battling with battalions of other spiritual beings, like demons, dark spirits, evil forces. Two forces, pressed against each other, both vying for supremacy.

Imagine those artists' painting of Christ with his myriads, but all lined up against a similar swarm and myriad of evil spirits. This clash, this battle, manifests as a massive struggle, like an arm wrestle, with the all force and power at one man's disposal pressing against and battling all the force and power in the other man's arm, each wrestling for supremacy. Now multiple those forces by billions.

That interaction is like where we are at now. Incredible intensity, wrestling over the consciousness of humanity, attempting to rip it this way or that way. The result is incredible spiritual tension, like that of a massive storm, with chaos at the vortex.

This is what manifests as all the chaos, craziness and eruption both in emotions and in thought. In manifests in ideas being used to attack and psyop people, to incite hatred, fear, doubt, dooming, despair, horror, outrage, anger, violence in spirit and in action. In the midst of the tension and conflict, the fight or flight functions of people are being triggered, carried along on the medium of ideas, thoughts, stories, 'news', concepts.

In such a state, in the midst of such a colossal spiritual battle, people feel the tension, anxiety, difficulty, even if they do not know exactly where it comes from. Like a colored light, it shapes the color, the tinge of everything people see.

This is the result of a spiritual war, being waged in realms that most of us can hardly imagine. Not just the war that has been going on since time immemorial. No, what is happening in our own era is the culmination of millenia of spiritual warfare, on the foundation of millions and millions of battles along the way. The future of humanity is being shaped, and decided.

At least, this is the mental image that comes to my mind, and helps me to explain a lot of what I am sensing. yes, it all manifests in the material realm via news, ideas, actions, conflicts, stories and reactions, but all these are just that: manifestations. The outer side of the inner coin.

I'm sharing this because after grappling with these sensations over the past few days, and noticing all the upheaval (including polarization) that is manifesting online and here at my favorite watering hole GAW, and in 'the news', I've decided that internally, I'm going to take 3 or four days off.

I'm not going to engage in the chaos I see, to express my strong opinions on this issue or that issue, or to worry or fret over what might happen or what might not, etc. I'm going to calm in the midst of this storm. I'm not going to lurch towards any conclusions, and I'm not going to adopt any hard or strong opinions on what is happening, or who might be doing what. (There will be plenty of time for analysis or conclusions in days, weeks, months to come.)

Because to me, it is ALL a manifestation of the battle I see waging in the spiritual realms. And having observed these in recent decades, as I've mentioned, I feel very confident in the conviction that this storm will pass, the sun will shine, and humanity will be a lot of steps closer to our promised land, to that state of being where God is Lord over us, not simply in potential, but in manifestation.

I love humanity, and I often pray for ALL humanity. I can see a lot of chaos, hurt, anguish and distress all around, in the upheavals currently underway. But the pain that the world is experiencing is, in my hope and conviction, the pain that someone feels when a deep and toxic barb, a thorn that has been long buried in the flesh, is withdrawn and taken out. It is painful, indeed. But it is a pain that is part of the process of removing the poison and being restored to health.

With that optimistic vision in mind, I'm going to observe the comings and goings, but I'm going to take a few steps back, and watch. Not because I do not care, but because I do care. And if the world is 'freaking out' and going bananas, well, I'm going to be someone who doesn't take the bait. Who can rest and lean into my sense of conviction that all of this will some time pass.

On that note, I am very encouraged by HOW many anons are taking a dispassionate or non-reactive stance. How many pedes are emphasizing to NOT take sides, to not swallow with psyops (whatever one imagines them to be).

There is that usual upheaval of our community voicing very strong opinions, as usual. But in the midst of that, I feel like there is a powerful undercurrent of anon-awakeism. Of NOT being ruled by the chaos, or the emotions, or the ideas, but a more aware, detached, faithful attitude. Being the calm inside the storm.

But while I'm encouraged by that, I'm also going to disengage on a certain level. I thought, (should I take 3 days off from GAW?) But I realize that what I want to take time off from is not GAW or the information or the flowing data, etc. But to take a few days off from the chaos of a world that is in turmoil.

Because I also hold the conviction, and determination, that in the colossal struggle currently taking place, spiritually, the outcome has already been decided. It's just that, decided or not, it STILL must be done. Because evil had such a grip on us, for all our history, for millenia. But with each battle, each step, that grip is being pried off of us, and our enslavers are being forced, yes forced, to let go. To let go. To let go.

If I don't see you in the interim, well, just know, it's been glorious, and I'll see you on the other side!


350 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Mental note:

For several days now, I have been experiencing a very powerful sense of spiritual intensity. Without going into details, there has been a LOT going on at home for months now, raising a variety of concerns and some anxiety.

However, since last week, the sense of tension and anxiety have been going through the roof. I had similar feelings several times in the past 10 years. One was during three days around the US election in 2016. The next time was around the US election in 2020. Once or twice, around other times.

The inner world is a subjective world, so its not always easy to identify where some of the sensations come from. However, based on years of experience exploring the inner world, my conclusion is this:

The whole planet is going through a massive spiritual battle. This was what I felt during the 2016 election. It was like mentally being able to see battalions and battalions of spiritual beings, like angels, saints, good people in the spiritual realm, all fighting and battling with battalions of other spiritual beings, like demons, dark spirits, evil forces. Two forces, pressed against each other, both vying for supremacy.

Imagine those artists' painting of Christ with his myriads, but all lined up against a similar swarm and myriad of evil spirits. This clash, this battle, manifests as a massive struggle, like a arm wrestle, with the force in one man's arm pressing against and battling all the force in the other mans arm, each wrestling for supremacy. But multiple those forces by billions.

That interaction is like where we are at now. Incredible intensity, wrestling over the consciousness of humanity, attempting to rip it this way or that way. The result is incredible spiritual tension, like that of a massive storm, with chaos at the vortex.

This is what manifests as all the chaos, craziness and eruption both in emotions and in thought. In manifests in ideas being used to attack and psyop people, to incite hatred, fear, doubt, dooming, despair, horror, outrage, anger, violence in spirit and in action. In the midst of the tension and conflict, the fight or flight functions of people are being triggered, carried along on the medium of ideas, thoughts, stories, 'news', concepts.

In such a state, in the midst of such a colossal spiritual battle, people feel the tension, anxiety, difficulty, even if they do not know exactly where it comes from. Like a colored light, it shapes the color, the tinge of everything people see.

This is the result of a spiritual war, being waged in realms that most of us can hardly imagine. Not just the war that has been going on since time immemorial. No, what is happening in our own era is the culmination of millenia of spiritual warfare, on the foundation of millions and millions of battles along the way. The future of humanity is being shaped, and decided.

At least, this is the mental image that comes to my mind, and helps me to explain a lot of what I am sensing. yes, it all manifests in the material realm via news, ideas, actions, conflicts, stories and reactions, but all these are just that: manifestations. The outer side of the inner coin.

I'm sharing this because after grappling with these sensations over the past few days, and noticing all the upheaval (including polarization) that is manifesting online and here at my favorite watering hole GAW, and in 'the news', I've decided that internally, I'm going to take 3 or four days off.

I'm not going to engage in the chaos I see, to express my strong opinions on this issue or that issue, or to worry or fret over what might happen or what might not, etc. I'm going to calm in the midst of this storm. I'm not going to lurch towards any conclusions, and I'm not going to adopt any hard or strong opinions on what is happening, or who might be doing what. (There will be plenty of time for analysis or conclusions in days, weeks, months to come.)

Because to me, it is ALL a manifestation of the battle I see waging in the spiritual realms. And having observed these in recent decades, as I've mentioned, I feel very confident in the conviction that this storm will pass, the sun will shine, and humanity will be a lot of steps closer to our promised land, to that state of being where God is Lord over us, not simply in potential, but in manifestation.

I love humanity, and I often pray for ALL humanity. I can see a lot of chaos, hurt, anguish and distress all around, in the upheavals currently underway. But the pain that the world is experiencing is, in my hope and conviction, the pain that someone feels when a deep and toxic barb, a thorn that has been long buried in the flesh, is withdrawn and taken out. It is painful, indeed. But it is a pain that is part of the process of removing the poison and being restored to health.

With that optimistic vision in mind, I'm going to observe the comings and goings, but I'm going to take a few steps back, and watch. Not because I do not care, but because I do care. And if the world is 'freaking out' and going bananas, well, I'm going to be someone who doesn't take the bait. Who can rest and lean into my sense of conviction that all of this will some time pass.

On that note, I am very encouraged by HOW many anons are taking a dispassionate or non-reactive stance. How many pedes are emphasizing to NOT take sides, to not swallow with psyops (whatever one imagines them to be).

There is that usual upheaval of our community voicing very strong opinions, as usual. But in the midst of that, I feel like there is a powerful undercurrent of anon-awakeism. Of NOT being ruled by the chaos, or the emotions, or the ideas, but a more aware, detached, faithful attitude. Being the calm inside the storm.

But while I'm encouraged by that, I'm also going to disengage on a certain level. I thought, (should I take 3 days off from GAW?) But I realize that what I want to take time off from is not GAW or the information or the flowing data, etc. But to take a few days off from the chaos of a world that is in turmoil.

Because I also hold the conviction, and determination, that in the colossal struggle currently taking place, spiritually, the outcome has already been decided. It's just that, decided or not, it STILL must be done. Because evil had such a grip on us, for all our history, for millenia. But with each battle, each step, that grip is being pried off of us, and our enslavers are being forced, yes forced, to let go. To let go. To let go.

If I don't see you in the interim, well, just know, it's been glorious, and I'll see you on the other side!


350 days ago
1 score